
Knitting or crocheting?

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which would you recommend? i want to learn one of the two or even both, but like, which one is easier and which should i learn first? what is a good way to learn how?




  1. Crochet is easier , but Did you know about the Knifty Knitter ? It's a round loom system that can make Scarves and hats . Very easy and fun for all ages as young as 8 yrs old . Available at Michael's , AC Moore , Hobby Lobby Good Luck ;)))

  2. I can do both but my preferred method is crocheting.  Knitting is a lot of fun too.  My grandma taught me how to crochet when I was in 5th grade and I have done it ever since.  I learned how to knit a couple of years ago--I took a class with a friend.  I had a hard time with it because I wasn't used to holding the yarn in my other hand so I went to a website and learned how to continental or"old world" knit and it was way easier for me.

  3. Crocheting may be easier but knitting is better. Learn crocheting first because you can use it when you learn to knit to do borders and such.

  4. It all depends on the individual.  I learned to knit when I was in grade school, and found it really easy.  I only just learned crochet last year (I'm 53 y.o.) and find it a bit more fiddly and difficult to control tension.  I much prefer knitting.

  5. Crocheting is simpler. Knitting is not  hard either. Just

    learn from someone who has experience.

    If you have a Yarn Shop in your area, go there. Not only will

    the Staff help you. You will learn a lot from the Patrons as well.

    In the beginning, keep it simple. Knitting and Crochet Needles can be costly. Check on e-bay for bargains or ask a friend for some not being used. Start with an average weight yarn (4-Ply).

    Enjoy it all.


  6. I do both knitting and crocheting and agree with the others that crocheting is easier.  We only have to learn to maneuver one hook with that, but with knitting, we have to learn to maneuver 2 needles.

  7. I have been crocheting for 20something years and NOW I am learning to knit for the simple reason that there are soooooo many more patterns that are specific to knit.  You can convert most patterns, but the texture of knitting seems to be finer, if needed for particular patterns.

    Learn both.  Get proficient with one and then venture into the other.  Crochet was easier to me than knitting has been, but I am very glad that Iwill be able to do both!!

    have fun, make something pretty!!!

  8. yea, i agree that crocheting is easier. ive tried both but i would recommend strating with crocheting :)

  9. crocheting is easier as most people have already said, But it also seems to use more yarn to make things. Ive heard alot of people say you can do more with knitting, but im just learning to knit myself, and it isnt that much harder, but i need alot more pratice.  Either one is easier to learn if you have a someone shows you, especially if there willing to show you again and again. but there are alot of websites that will show you the basics of both, some have videos which are nice, because you can stop them and watch them as many times as you want.   i had a few sites saved with nice videos i'll see if i can find them.  One tip is to start with cheap yarn. Dont go out and buy lots of fancy yarn to start with.  get something cheap that you can pratice with, Caron's Simply Soft is a nice place to start, its acrylic but its soft and comes in lots of colors.

  10. I do both and learned them from reading a book only because I didn't have anyone willing to teach me.  They both would have been easier and faster if someone had helped.  Find someone who can do one on one and hands on to help get started easily.  I think crochet seems faster because the stitch is done and makes fabric quicker.  The two disciplines appear to draw different types of crafters and I seem to be in different frames of mind when I do each.  Try both and go with the one you seem to be more able to understand and when you feel comfortable get with some one to teach you the other which will probably require a little more patience to get.  It's mostly about the hardwiring in your brain and that requires repetition.

  11. Crocheting is easier. My grandma taught me how, and i can make pretty much anything. I tried knitting, and I thought it was hard.

  12. Hi!

    I can do both, but I don't like needle knitting.  :(  I do, however, enjoy loom knitting.  Google it on the internet and you will find a whole bunch of stuff!

    I have been trying to teach myself new stitches in crochet for many months.  I learned very basic crochet from a neighbor when I was ~ 12 years old.  Did not do much with it.  Now I have lots and lots of yarn to loom knit or crochet with and I almost always find myself reaching for--my crochet hooks!  If you make an error, you can just pull the yarn out, fix the problem, and start again.  I used to miss stitches in knitting and my attention is not great, I guess, because I really tried hard and I still made mistakes, even with the knitting loom.  I do plan, however, on knitting a very skinny scarf on a knitting loom, Knifty Knitter, which is a large gauge, this evening.  I am trying to make lots of different scarves, stoles, and wraps in an attempt to sell them through a local store on consignment.  I have about five scarves, all different, ready to go!  I plan to attach attention-grabbing tags with (hopefully ) witty comments on each article.  If I can get people to smile or laugh and they think my design is attractive, it's likely I'll get a sale!  This is new to me.  Wish me luck!  Oh, and BTW:  You will find kind of crazy people in both camps who INSIST that one is better than the other.  Madness!  How ridiculous!  Just do what you enjoy.  I doubt I will ever crochet a beautiful afghan because I like small, quick projects--no patience for committing to an afghan that will take me years to finish.  I am slow!  But I keep putting along on two cylinders and eventually I get at least SOME little thing done and then I am more than ready to move on to the next project.

    Knitting creates softer, more flowing clothing as a rule; crocheting generally makes a somewhat stiffer product.  BUT:  There  are lots of things to try with crocheting to make softer items:  Use a large hook; use thick, cozy-soft yarn; keep your tension a bit on the loose side.  There's a lot to learn and it can be a lot of fun.  Just keep a light, playful attitude and you will be surprised at how fast you'll learn how to make things that you won't be embarrassed to be seen wearing in public.  Really!  :)   To learn how:  Search the internet!  You can find groups to help you and youtube has some great videos that will lead you by the hand, even how to do the chain stitch and the single crochet stitch, the most basic stitches in crochet.  Just build from there.  I can make a pretty scarf with between 50 and 100 yards of yarn--obviously they will be different sizes.  Also:  Try looking into Tunisian crochet.  It's fun and way different from traditional crochet!  A super book to check out at your local library is, "Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet."  Gorgeous color photos; the history of crochet; lots of stitches shown; and some projects to try.  The other book I have that I really like is, "Teach Yourself Visually Crocheting."  And, yes, it is very good for folks who really need to SEE something to learn it.  It's a fun book and very basic.  I am really glad I have both of these books and I am on the verge of  getting a nice book that is all about Tunisian (or Afghan) crochet.  

    Another way to learn knitting or crocheting is to find a local yarn store (LYS) where teaching either craft is done on a formal or informal basis.  Knitters and crocheters will gather, talk, swap tips, and help each other.  You could take along a like-minded friend with you and you may find yourselves making many new friends.  Everyone starts out knowing absolutely nothing about either of these crafts; they've all been where you are right now, so don't feel dumb!  Most of these folks want to help others; it makes them feel good!  Someday in the not-too-distant future it could be YOU helping a newbie!  :)

    Jump in and have fun!  I personally feel that it is easier to crochet, but I have a poor attention span and I tend to get overwhelmed easily.  Try both and maybe you will grow to love both of these creative and fun crafts!

    Best wishes!

    Poozemom in Pa.   ;)

  13. I'm going to be the one that disagrees with the others.  I love knitting and I picked it up really quickly.  I have been trying to learn how to crochet for years and I still can't do it.  I found it best to have someone that knows how to knit or crochet teach you.  Craft stores like Michaels and AC moore offer classes if you don't know anybody that can teach you.  There are also starter kits there that provide you with a book and some needles to get you started

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