I am doing my first major knitting project and am slightly confused by part of the pattern. So I have reached a point where it is row 62 with 63 sts remaining, and these are the instructions from here on:
4. Shape neck. Work both sides at the same time. Work 17 sts. Slip next 29 sts to a holder. With a second ball of yarn, work remaining 17 sts. Dec 1 st at neck edge every row twice, until 15 sts remain.
5. At the same time, when armholes measure 9.5 ins (row 62), start shoulder shaping.
6. Shoulder shaping. Cast off 7 sts at armhole edge, then cast off 8 sts at armhole edge.
Can someone possibly clarify exactly what I'm supposed to do? A row-by-row breakdown would be really helpful, though any more clarification would help. Thanks :)