
Knocking sounds making me crazy! What is it or have you had this happen?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok.. For several months now I have been getting woken up between 3 and 5:30 am - a few times a week - by a knocking sound - it sounds like someone is knocking on or pounding on the front door. No one is ever at my door and I swear it sounds real! It jumps me half way out of my bed about to run to the front room. I'm getting used to it and don't bother much now but still, I don't understand this. If I am dreaming it, why and if not then what the heck? Anyone ever heard of this before?

p.s. I am pretty sure it is not a kid or person as it's snowed here a lot recently and this has happened and there were no prints in any part of the snow near my house. :)

Thank you.




  1. Sounds to me like it something called a residual haunting.  To put it plainly that is all that really happens.  If you just experience the knocking then that is what it is.  If you are experiencing anything else that could fall underneath the category of an intelligent haunting.

  2. I have a friend (who's home I am getting an investigation together for) who has this same thing happening. She has someone knocking very loudly. When they go to answer, there has been no one there. it happens all the time during the early morning hours as does yours. I will be interested to see if I can capture this happening.EDIT:

    I have also had a very loud knocking on one of my interrior doors. My daughter has heard this too when she has spent the night visiting.

  3. Around 2 AM, I hear the sound of something knocking on metal by my computer desk when I'm away from it. If I look at it, it stops. Turn my head, it continues.

  4. Well, it could be simply a dream, or it could be other things. Do you share the house with a roommate or any pets?  If so, you should check to see if its one of them. What about your furnace kicking on in the morning? Check that out as well. If you have a humidifer on your furnace, there's also a chance that the plumbing might knock when the furnace kicks on. What about the sump? My sump pump can be heard "knocking" a bit when it powers down after a pump out. If it's not any of these, then my first suspicion is an animal digging around your house foundation.

  5. It could come from the pipes banging in your water system

  6. I don't understand what you're saying here.  Are you dreaming the knocking sound or is it audible when you wake up?  If it's not "really" there once you awake then it can only be a part of a dream.  I'm sorry you have dreams that wake you so often.

  7. it must be a ghost! :D

  8. Are you alone in the house? If you are...this is a much more serious question. If you're alone, you should tell the local police that this is happening. To me, considering we pay their salary...they should put up video cameras . That way you would only be borrowing them and it won't cost any $. You  shouldn't have to pay for what someone else is doing. But if the police won't do really do need to get one of your own. Also, you need to check with your neighbors to see if they have the same problem or if they've seen anyone different in the neighborhood.

    I do believe it COULD BE  a spirit. However, I wouldn't settle for that till I checked out the results of the video camera. You can get hurt thinking it's a spirit when someone is harassing you and maybe planning to break in on you. I know this from experience. Safety first!

  9. I had one drove me crazy for a while - was this noise at night that occurred from time to time and sounded like a rapid BAM-Bam-bam. Turned out (after lots and lots of detective work) that it was the compressor on my fridge. A bushing had worn out, and every time the motor stopped it would knock a few times against the frame of the fridge when it stopped. That's not what it sounded like, though - sounded more like somebody kicking a cupboard door. Once I knew what it was I could hear it in the day, because I was then listeing for it - but it sounded about fifty times louder at night.

    I would be inclined to look for motorized equipment that cycles on and off - fans on heating systems, sump pumps, compressors of any sort, even tree branches that can be moved against the walls or roof, or vents to the outside with flapper valves that can be slammed by wind. You get the idea.

    Not that I discount the possibility of the paranormal - being a practical man I would cover the bases, and diligently pray throughout the house as I searched just as diligently for natural causes.

  10. Yes... i have had this happen many times. THREE large knocks always to the left of me.. Its the spiritual world waking you up. Pay attention to your dreams before the knocks... what happens is that they are showing you or giving you an answer .. usually done through your dreams.. this is when they are able to get into your semi-conscious thought.. when they get you to a point where you dont need to see/hear anymore, they will usually wake you up with knocks (3 for me).. which usually has me jumping up and running to the door or window.

    yes you can swear that the knocks were real.. and loud.

    but over time i have come to understand this as a way of bring you to consciousness. If you become more aware of it, you will be able to recall your 'dream' prior to this.. There are 'dreams' and then there are 'dreams'.  In many dreams they have shown me things and given me answers..

    Dont be afraid, just learn to tune in..

  11. i had the same thing happen to me in 2001, my partner and i were both woken up in the middle of the night, by a kind of soft but continous knocking on our upstairs window, and it happened every single night, along with other strange occurences.... i found out weeks later my friend had taken his life, and he was trying to let us know, and the knocking was the strongest thing he could do, to let us know he was there, when we found out, it all stopped....we would get up in the night while the knocking was happening, look out side, with no one there or anything, we were up high and nothing could touch the window, but the knocking was still happening while we were looking straight at sounded like when you knock softly with your was happening right at our faces.....

  12. I have heard knocking sounds that weren't physical.  The last time it happened it preceded an experience that was described to me as mediumistic.  If you have experienced mediumship it's best to not let spirits in unless you know what you're doing.  Stay firm and focused.  Invoke the name of Jesus.  Affirm that only Christ may enter.  Pray to whatever form of the divine you acknowledge.  Stay positive, do not fear, your state of mind can determine what kind of spirits you attract.

    It may not be spirits.  I have also heard heavenly music that had no earthly cause.  The knocking could be a form of E.S.P., it could be an aural hallucination.  Whatever the cause it doesn't have to make you crazy.  You could ignore it or ask who it is and if they are of Christ for none may use that name in falseness.  You'll get used to knowing when there's nobody at the door then you won't need to get out of bed.

  13. it could be para normal or it could be you dreaming it so it seems very real and wakes up up. you hme could be haunted. i am notsure. i dont' know how much you believe in paranormal or what? but it would be worth it see how it is doing and find out. take care.

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