
Knockout dust? any basis in fact?

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ok... I know this is silly, but in films and such usually someone will use a cigar full of knock out dust or something similar. does this have any basis in fact at all? or just a convenient plot mechanism




  1. There are many chemicals that can render a person "knocked out"

    the most common used chemicals are going to be in a gaseous or liquid state, but that's usually not a problem to make a salt and powder it.

    films are mostly shenanigans.

    cigar with knock-out dust... in the real world would be replaced by  hypodermic darts.

    with darts you have range advantage over the cigar

    you can shoot again if the first doesn't work

    I remember a story where the russians filled a theater with this gas that knocks people out to try and stop a hostage situation.... however. the ruskies ended up killing most of people in the room, since dispersion of gasses and doses is difficult in a situation like that.

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