
Know I have what it takes, and want to write to an agency, what do i write? or do? the process?

by  |  earlier

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Please gimme sensible answers coz i'm quite frustrated. I'm a teenage actress I do a lot of good theatre with like the national theatre of GB and a better one, but they don't have the information for me in getting a good agent. I bought 'contacts 2008' today and I' really hoping that I can find a good agent in there even though i'm not garateed work.

I have decent headshots but what i want to know is what do i write in my letter to the agent or casting director? coz i don't want my headshot straight in the bin. I see all these kids on teh disney channel and on british movies like that new one 'angus, thongs and...' and i think to myself that I can do that. Please help me what do i do. I actually have found an agency that I want to join because my localone isn't that good, and there is one youth there who has onlu been in the national youth theare (i got into that) and he's on there. Is there a special format i need to write in? or maybe do you think i should call them up and see what they can do for me?

I don't really know what else to say, i love drama with a passion, not just for fame and money, i don't care about that but making people laugh and stuff that's what i want to do.

Someone please help me. I would be sooo greateful.

Could someone also expalin what i write to casting directors or explain how they help me?

Also what is a showreel, i have headshots.

Gwen xxxx




  1. Hi there!

    To contact casting directors/agencies for work, headshots are needed (of which you already have-great start!).

    Also, a covering letter is a good idea (tell them general information, roles you would be interested in, whether you want to work in television, film, radio etc). It should sound something like: "dear *insert agency name/casting director name*, i am interested in joining you agency and seek representation in the fields of *insert interests here*. Enclosed is my Resume and headshot. Reguards *insert you name here*...or something similar!!!

    You also need to include a CV/also known as a Resume (include contact details [NOT home phone number, i reconmend an email address], details on apperence [height, build, hair colour, etc), training you may have, roles youv'e been in and additional skills, such as dance, martial arts or languages you can speak).

    Only contact reputable agencies (try get reconmendations and visit their websites too). they should not ask for money (unless it's for headshots or futher training, for example, once signed on) and NONE should guarentee you work, as even oscar winning actors/actresses aren't!!!!

    A showreel is a small sample of your acting work (e.g. reading a monolouge or footage from a stage show/radio work/ multimedia file which you have acted in). it's always a good idea to send this via e-mail when applying online.

    If you have any more questions, check out "The Stage" website FAQ pages which have loads of detail on contacting agents, auditioning...everything!!!

    Finally, GOODLUCK, i'm sure you will make it!!!


  2. since you are under 18, your parents will have to get you an agent, do not call agents, go to their websites to find out how to submit. Keep acting, take some professional acting classes, go to university or acting academy for training.

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