
Know a Good Website to Help Plan My Teens Sweet Sixteen Party?

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Well I’m having my daughter’s sweet sixteen in September this year and I’m having it in are backyard (which is huge), I have a DJ..but I don’t know what else to do. I want to turn my backyard into a teen dream birthday party, I don’t what to disappoint her, and I know it means a lot to her that’s why I planning for it now!

So any ideas or websites would be nice

I’m kind of going for the whole summer dance idea

Thank you




  1. make it her "sweet" 16!!! how about a candy theme, you could get those ceral disensers and fill with candy and have cute bowls or cups for it, you can rent a cotton candy machine, you can buy one of those fountains to dip fruit in it everything you could think of to put chocolate on. Cookies, marshmallows,creme puffs, strawberries, kiwi, bananas, have different stations for each item. On the food table  use square chunks of styrofoam with colorful plastic table cloth pieces draped over them to elevate the diffent foods and decorative filled candy jars to different heights. The table's centerpiece can be a large clear vase filled with colorful candies and a bouquet of colorful oversized silk daisies.   wove a string of colored Christmas lights between the food platters and candy jars on the table and wrap it loosely in tulle for a fancy effect and a soft glow. On a large shelf behind the table place more filled candy jars elevated at different heights interspersed with various pictures of your child when she was younger in colorful frames.  

    for games: Everyone is given a ticket with a candy bar name on it for drawings throughout the party;  young guest draw tickets to help them feel involved.  The prizes can consist of chocolate items, gift cards to chocolate stores or beanie babies with the Hershey kiss on them. a candy jar to guess how many candies were in the jar (the winner won the jar of candy) and unscramble the candy bar names where everyone was given 3 minutes to unscramble the candy.  a chocolate/candy trivia game. take some party hats and cut them down to look like candy kisses and wrapped them in pretty foils. with a white ribbon coming out of the top with Hershey's written on it to look like a real candy kiss. Inside put a chocolate or candy trivia question.some of the kisses can have an instant prize in them in which the guest does not have to answer a trivia question but still have to do a dare to get the prize.  place the kisses all over the room for decoration before and durring the game. The first person to volunteer can choose any candy kiss. When they unwrap the kiss they have to read the chocolate trivia question and answer correctly or the person had to draw from a bowl of funny dares.(one dare is stuff a marshmallow or two in your mouth and whistle happy birthday to the birthday girl, or put as man chcolate kisses in your mouth in a minute.

    have her hand our the invites wrapped around a chocloate candy bar around them. try to rent a projector or something and have a slide show going of her over the years (pictures)

  2. have you ever watched my super sweet sixteenth on MTV, that will give you lots of good ideas , there always different every time. If your thinking of a theme make it show all the way through the party, decorations,cake,costumes etc. good luck

  3. Here is a website for you:

    You could do the candlight ceremony at the party. This is really special. You have a candleabra and she names 16 people who are special to her (and why) and each one goes and lights a candle. A really neat moment.

    Good luck!


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