
Know a single Mom w/ young children who is financially stable with no one to help her?

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I'm referring to a single Mom with no partner, no family, no roommate, no go-to person and who does not have the kind of job/career that requires her children to be raised by day-care workers or a nanny. HOW DOES SHE DO IT?? I NEED TO KNOW A.S.A.P.!! PLEASE!!




  1. She babysits at home for other families. Then she can care for her own children. When the kids get in school, she can work on getting a career out of the home. Where is the ex for child support?

  2. I know lots of single moms like you describe.  They simply went to school and got an education so they could get a decent job.  They are smart with their money, don't buy their kids everything they want, they save and invest. I know some who are teachers and some who work for the government, one is a nurse (and no she doesn't work shift work).  Their kids are not "raised" by daycare workers or nannies, but they do use those services.  Unless you're an heiress or lottery winner, you can't have kids, not work, and still have money!  What's important is making the most of the time you have with your kids.  Lots of people come home and are tired and just want to veg on the couch, others use their dinnertime/evening hours for playing with their kids, talking to them, reading with them ect.

  3. I'd like to know how she does it too.  What I think you are speaking about is impossible.

    Raising a child alone is basically impossible.  Money to feed, clothe and shelter the child has to come from somewhere and what people get from public assistance is NOT by any stretch of the imaginiation sufficient.  If you would like to supply more details about a specific situation perhaps people could give you advice.  But based upon what you wrote above, that's not going to happen.

  4. That's my Mom, although I'm still a teen. She worked her way up the ladder although she had to go overseas often and came back late. We were lucky we had a maid.

  5. Either her family is rich and supporting her, she won the lottery or she is a prostitute.Something is screwy here,unless she is rich.Ask her.Then again maybe she makes it on welfare.That happens a lot.

  6. A woman with no support from family or friends who supports herself & her children without having to put them in daycare is a true survivor.

    She is very independant, and resourceful.

    She would probably have a business from home.

    Her business would be a one with very little start-up capital.

    She could be doing administrative work for local businesses, she could be a daycare provider, a pet sitter, an accountant, a tax preparer, a party planner, a researcher, have an online business, etc...

    Hope this wishes

  7. i dont know but i sure wish i did!

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