
Know any bad behavior clichés? Or have any insight of your own?

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I mean, besides the "What goes around comes around," and "Two wrongs don't make a right." As cliché as they may be, I'm looking for something else, because we've all heard those two before.

There was one that I've read from someone from somewhere on this website who said, "There's always a reason for bad behavior. It doesn't justify it." Or something along those lines. Which made sense to me, because sometimes when I do something wrong I'll have a reason to justify it. But this person is right, there's no justifying bad behavior.

So, do you have any ideas/sayings/quotes/anything thought-provoking about this particularly?




  1. How about ...

    Most people do things because it seems like a good idea.

    You may have to examine close up how they see themselves and the world and stuff to see how that works - but I have found it to be true.

    The right thing to do for the wrong reasons is the wrong thing to do.

    The wrong thing to do but for the right reasons may be better.

    The right thing for the right reasons is best.

    When you can justify some thing as ok, the first flaw you made was ignoring it and looking at the justification.

    Having bad experiences doesnt mean you must do bad things. Doing bad things does mean you must have bad experiences. (although on that one I wonder just how numb to them they must be not to see).


    And one that I liked - its from terry pratchet. paraphrased.

    they say when you die your life flashes before your eyes, it does, its called living.

  2. You're making me think of two, but I don't know the origin/source:

    "The first casualty of war is the truth." A favorite of mine that seems to address very nicely the problem with bad behavior. Whenever we start wars, however minuscule or grand of scale they might be, we ignore what is true and instead focus on being right. Which leads me to another one: War doesn't decide who is right, only who is left (behind, over, around).

    The other one that came to mind is "The ends do not justify the means."

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