
Know any businesses that hire 16 year olds?

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  1. actually, any business you see in he phone book requires you to be at least 16. If they hire 14 y/o's then you're in better luck. So get off your *** and go ask around for applications. Good luck!

  2. I'm not sure about major businesses, but I do know that Blockbuster, McDonalds, Wendy's, and most grocery stores will hire at 16. Actually, tons of restaurants start hiring at 16. Also, there are agencies for childcare that you can sign up with to babysit children daily.

  3. mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, in n out burger, all kinds of places!  

  4. If you have your working papers you can work just about anywhere in yor hometown, as long as it dosn't require you to have professional experiance. If you don't already have them, you can get your working papers from your Schools Guidence office, just bring in a copy of your birth certificate.

  5. actually in CA blockbuster requires that you be 18 (bc they have adult movies). other than that, start looking at fast food chains, grocery stores, basic retail.

  6. Yup, retail business and fast food businesses.  

  7. If u have a target near u u can work at target if u want to  

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