
Know any good rewards for middle school volleyball players?

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I was told that having rewards the kids can win at each practice (hustled the most, got the most serves over, etc.) was a great motivator. The person who suggested it uses ribbons for her girls, but my girls don't wear ribbons and turned their noses up at that idea. Of course their ideas all cost a fortune, so does anyone have any ideas? I don't have kids so I have no idea what to get. Just need some cheap ideas. Thanks!




  1. When I was in middle school our coach rewarded the player who had the most points and the one with the most kills in the match the night before. She rewarded us with a soda which in my opinion isn't a great idea because it isn't healthy. You can always order small volleyball ideas from different magazines. Our coach also gave us volleyball key chains and other small items. I have a couple of key chains, a volleyballl which opens up to hold whatever I chose to place in it, a volleybal magnet for my car (my moms when I first got the magnet), and fuzzy volleyballs to hang in my rearveiw mirror. These rewards when teach the girls to focus more during practice and in return make them better come game time.

  2. Give them candy! Classy! Everyone likes candy! It's cheap too!

  3. well if your serious about the sport...

    make the entire team do a certain amount of running or any exercise and if a player did something good or positive don't make them do it ... it will strive for them to work harder so they don't have to do it

  4. good for college

  5. when i played basketball in middle school the coach rewarded us with candy. but if your trying to make them stay healthy and stuff.. i dont know maybe colorful pens to use in class?

  6. well what my coach did was actually let us play a game like tag for running warm ups they think its a game but play it for like 5 minuets with like 5 taggers and they get there running in while having fun anther game was like fish where u serve a ball and if it  goes out u have to go to other side and lay down and the other people on your team had to serve the ball and try to hit u with it it really works on aim but the ball doest hurt if u do get hit with it and there are two teams on both sides  but reward she gave cookies to use like every Friday is or u don't have to but to get it we had to when that game

  7. Alot of kids seem to have iPods or at least the capabilities to download music onto their computers-- most music sites offer songs for about 99 cents each.  What if you make tickets or find some kind of token that can be redeemed for a free download??  It might work...

  8. Go to the Dollar Store or 99 Cent Store and take a look.  A lot of neat things, that only cost about $1 each.

  9. You shouldn't have asked your girls what would be a great reward b/c that opens up the can of worms.  Let them know that the real reward is playing their best and learning from winning and losing.  When this happens,, they become better people and players.  Check out the volleyball stores online or Ebay.  You can get some cheap stuff.  Cool ideas would be volleyball keychains, volleyball decals for their parent's car, little squishy volleyballs.  The rewards should have to do with volleyball so they will focus on it.

  10. Beer

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