
Know any headache remedies?

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I'd had a headache yesterday. It ended and I didn't have it this morning, but now it's back today.

Does anyone know any remedies for headaches?

I don't want to take medicine. I just want some natural things.

Thank you.




  1. lay down and drink water or ginger ale and watch Tv (or not if it makes it worse). put a hot cloth on you're head or a cold cloth. rub the temples of your head. ;] good luck  

  2. You can take homeophatic remedies like.

    Belladona 1000c take 4 drops or 4 globules 1rs night, the second and the 3rd.

    If the headache persist take 4 drops or 4 globules every 4 hours of Belladona 30c.

    Yo can buy these in homeophatic drugstore.


  3. I got migraines for 16 years.  I actually have one right now.  Sometimes, to get rid of headaches, I take a nice relaxing bubble bath, eat some good healthy fruit, and get a good nights sleep.  That's what will probably help the best.  Just make sure you stay relaxed.

  4. Old remedy:

    the skin between your thumb and pointer finger is very sensitive.

    Pinch it hardly. (Not a joke, is has worked for many people)

    It could also be the fact that your are hungry. Eat some food.

    Good luck!

  5. Acupuncture points in your hand can be rubbed to alleviate pain. I've had migraines since adolescence - it works when I can't get medicine. There are plenty of techniques and charts you can find... Just firmly press and rub on the acupressure point that matches your symptoms. Here's some charts...

  6. Lie down in a cool,dark room,and try to sleep for a bit. If you can't sleep,just lie there,and don't think about anything. If you can't switch off your brain like that,think about your headache going away.

  7. Im fighting the same thing , the only thing that even seems to help is speariment or Euycolipyus and a warm towel. Good luck I hope you get good answers

  8. Make sure you're drinking enough water; sometimes being dehydrated will cause headaches.

    Take a nap in a quiet, cool, and dark room.  

    Might be caused by stress--try to relax.

    Try pinching your hand between your thumb and pointer finger (it's a pressure point that will relieve headaches.)

    I also hate taking medicine--hope you feel better soon.

  9. I read somewhere once that if you massage the fleshy area between your thumb and forefinger then its supposed to relieve a headache. It is somehow connected to the brain. I also remember it saying that you should not do this if you are pregnant

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