
Know any medicine to help stop oral pain from braces?

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help on braces




  1. ask for orabase gel.  

  2. don't take acetaminophen (ibuprofen). It's an anti inflammatory and slows down the movement of your teeth.

    Aleive always works for my headaches.

  3. take an advil pm...thats what my mom always told me to do. its kinda like when ur sick...except its after getting ur braces tightened...just sleep it out lol

  4. ALEVE.


  5. They make mouth washes for that stuff. Just go to the tooth section or whatever it is and you'll find some.

  6. ask your dentist

  7. Orajel.  It's over the counter.

  8. Baby Orajel, it comes flavored and you can just swish it around in your mouth.  

  9. orajel will numb where applied

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