
Know any myths??

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okay, now does anyone know any good myths? lol sorry im bored. plus u guys get points so don't complain. :P




  1. One of my Favs.

    Also known as "Angus the young", he was considered the Irish god of love. He was a young handsome god that had four birds flying about his head -- some say they symbolize kisses -- who inspired love in all who heard them. He was the son of Dagda and Boann ('the wife of Elcmar').

    Once, Aengus was troubled by the dream of a young maiden, He instantly fell in love with her and became love sick. He told his mother Boann and she searched the whole of Ireland for the maiden, but after a year she still had not found the maiden. Then Dagda was called and he searched Ireland for a year, and still did not find the maiden. Finally Bov the Red, king of the Dananns in Munster and Dagda's aide, was called to search and after a year he found the maiden.

    Aengus was taken to the lake of the Dragon's Mouth, and there he saw 150 maidens all chained with gold into pairs. He spied her at once and her name was Caer, the daughter of Ethal and Anubal, a prince of the Dananns of Connact. On November first she and all the other maidens are transformed into swans for a year. He was told if he could identify her as a swan he could marry her. On November 1 Aengus went out to the lake and called to his love, and once he had found her he then turned in to a swan himself and joined her. They flew off together singing such a beautiful song that all who heard them fell asleep for three days and nights.

    Aengus had a son called, "Diarmuid Ua Duibhne" or Diarmuid of the Love Spot. One night while hunting Diarmuid met a maiden who made a magic love spot appear on his head, and from then on no woman ever looked upon him with out falling in love with him.

    His palace was Brugh na Boinne on the River Boyne (modern New Grange).


  3. yes.

    I know myths and I know a few good myths.

    Are you looking for specifics?

  4. here's one I've known since a little girl....

    I'm hispanic....

    It's about La Llorona (the Crier)

    It's happened about two hundered years now, way back in the day when society was divided in two the high class and low class days. Anywayz, this lady was a single mother she had two children a boy and girl. Sweet children.

    This lady was from the high class society; she had tons of money and breath taking beauty, she was invited to all the parties despite being a single mom.

    Anywayz she had this big beautiful house with all this land and in front of her house was this lovely well, it got it's water from a river that flowed into a lake.

    She also had tons of servants and a nanny for her kids, the kids were very sweet and never caused any problems the nanny loved them.

    One night like others before, the lady of the house leaves for a party and leaves the children home alone. She thinks they'll be fine since they're good kids (the nany has taken the night off and the servants have their own homes in the far back). So she leaves them.

    Once at the party she is the life and soul and then it starts to rain and she decides to go back home.

    When she arrives she finds the front door open, she thinks of her children and runs inside yelling their names. It's dead quiet.

    She runs out and starts to yell around the front lawn. When for some reason she turns to face the well, that cute well, that seemed so innocent and next to it are white slippers her daughters. She starts screaming her heart out


    MY CHILDREN!!!!!!


    And that is where it ends...

    Nobody knows what happened to her except that whenever there is a body of water she appears screaming for her children.

    This is not the original story but it all follows the same style.

    That she was rich, had children, went to a party, the kids drown, and she goes crazy and looks for them around a body of water.

    Also, what they say is that when she does find a child near a body of water that child drowns because that's her way of getting her kids back

  5. yea i know a stupid myth my friend told me to say babyblue at 12:00 am and the next day u will die and did it because i wanted to prove him wrong and look am alive

  6. Sure thing. Here's the Pandora's Box myth.

    And he called this woman Pandora, because all they who dwelt on Olympus gave each a gift, a plague to men who eat bread.

    But when he had finished the sheer, hopeless snare, the Father sent glorious Argus-Slayer, the swift messenger of the gods, to take it to Epimetheus as a gift.

    And Epimetheus did not think on what Prometheus had said to him, bidding him never take a gift of Olympian Zeus, but to send it back for fear it might prove to be something harmful to men.

    But he took the gift, and afterwards, when the evil thing was already his, he understood.

    For ere this the tribes of men lived on earth remote and free from ills and hard toil and heavy sickness which bring the Fates upon men; for in misery men grow old quickly.

    But the woman took off the great lid of the jar with her hands and scattered all these and her thought caused sorrow and mischief to men.

    Only Hope remained there in an unbreakable home within under the rim of the great jar, and did not fly out at the door; for ere that, the lid of the jar stopped her, by the will of Aegis-holding Zeus who gathers the clouds.

    But the rest, countless plagues, wander amongst men; for earth is full of evils and the sea is full.

    Of themselves diseases come upon men continually by day and by night, bringing mischief to mortals silently; for wise Zeus took away speech from them. So is there no way to escape the will of Zeus.

    Hesiod Works and Days.

  7. Lots... I was raised on quite a few modern ones, and slowly had to dig them out of my brain, as I realised they were myths not facts.

    Columbus discovered America...

    In any fight between the cavalry and the Indians, the cavalry were the good guys...

    The Germans smashed through France in May 1940 because their panzer divisions had more and better tanks...

    The Finnish airforce had swastikas on their aircraft in WW2 because they were a German ally...

    The battle of the Somme was a disaster for the British army...

    Carrots help you see in the dark...

    For really modern ones, and their assessment, check out...

  8. well,

    i heard that if you out your purse on the floor,

    your money income will go negative.

    And that if you walk under a ladder,

    its badluck!

    and.... if a ladybug lands on you,

    you have goodluck for the rest of the day!

  9. Well you could just wander through the mythology & folklore section...except the questions tend to be a bit beyond ridiculous (i.e. Are Albinos the spawn of vampires?)

    Or you could visit that has lots of urban legends....

  10. try these sites with myths and gods and stuff:
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