
Know any sites I can use to look at cheap train rides?

by Guest66935  |  earlier

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My finacee and I are looking at taking a tride ride across the country. Not all in one. I don't want a train vacation with an intinerary and all that stuff. I'd really rather not take a tour of the museum of railroad history during my honeymoon. He comes from Europe and so no matter how hard I tried I couldn't convince him to take a conventional vacation. He wants to see the states. I know train rides are expensive and since I'm on a budget I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into. My list of cities would be Ann Arbor to Chicago, Chicago to Indianapolis, Indianapolis to Madison, Madison to Minneapolis, Minneapolis to Glassgow, Glassgow to Shelby, Shelby to Salem, Salem to Omak. Then we fly back. Help?




  1. I don't think there is.  Have a nice trip :)

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