
Know any songs I could sing?

by  |  earlier

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Im a singer/songwriter and Ive an important audition this weekend to be in a girl band. What song would suit my voice? I can't sing my own material.

Thanks :)




  1. Sing something that you're very comfortable with and that fits the band you're auditioning for. Don't sing a song that you sometimes have trouble with, even if it's a fantastic song. If you sing something that shows off your voice but isn't the right type of song, some people are short-sighted and won't see past the kind of song to see that you'd work well in the band.

    Also, do you have a repertoire list - a list of the songs you know? If you do, make sure only the songs you can sing well right now are on the list and that you have music for them with you. Sometimes they'll ask at auditions for the list and pick something for you to sing -- so you want it to be something you're great at!

    You have a lovely voice! Good luck! (And don't forget to totally warm up beforehand!)

  2. Why not sing Demi Lovato's "This is me".>> I really like that song! ^^ ,.,good luck!!

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