
Know anyone like this in your church?

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For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God




  1. Not really.

  2. Not personally, but Christ reserved His harshest words for such as these.

  3. I know several like this here and in real life. Not all attend my church but the world is full of these and we all must be careful to put no ones approval before God's

  4. Not in this one, but when I belonged to the fundie church - heck yes. Lots of them.  

  5. I never heard of this before.

  6. idk about someone in my church since I just started going there, but just turn on Daystar, INSP, TBN, Angel network, I am sure you will see a few!

  7. no........

  8. one of my old churches. I just tried hard to pray for the person.

  9. I did at my old church.,

  10. No, not in mine.

  11. yes, there are a few. but i can honestly say most have left over the yrs i have been there.

  12. Yes.

  13. i think to be honest we all enjoy being popular and for some this is a real struggle

    but i think that wanting to be liked too much can lead to doing things just to 'look good' to the 'right people' when in reality doing good to people who will never be able to return the favour in any way is what jesus would rather we did

    hence each week at church it is always good to have a reminder as to what it is all about - coming before God to thank him for the things he has given us, the relationships we have and for his provision for us in our lives.  if we keep that up regularly it will distract from making PEOPLE the object of our focus rather than God.

  14. Well I praise men more than god, and this girl I know says her body is her church...

  15. Yes, I'm afraid.  Too many, in fact.  

    I find that the age of the person has a lot to do with that.  From about 25 to about 50, they live for themselves.  When, after their friends start dying suddenly, they begin to convert.  By the time they make it to 80, they are strict Christians.  Those who don't fit this, usually are life-long Christians, never leaving the Church to explore or are "simple" people, who are at peace with what they have and aren't out for the newest fad or whatever.  

    One, who came to mind the second I read this, is quite different.  He is a high ranking person in both the local government and in the Church.  He lives for the praise of man from Monday thru Saturday, but on Sunday he cries loudly for his sins.  At sun-up on the following day, he begins again.  Honestly, I don't know what to think of him.  He has demanded donations for the Church or he will do something to the person, though it is only talk, and he has given false testimony to have at least one arrested.  He gives Christians a bad name, to be blunt.  However, in the dealings he has had, no charges can stick.

    Honestly, he is the reason several of us have left the Church, for fear we will be accused and unable to defend ourselves. :(

    Oh, I have seen others in other churches, but not as many.  The smaller churches seem to have a more faithful following, less about show and more about G-d. :)

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