
Know anyone who has a traffic warden for a friend?

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Know anyone who has a traffic warden for a friend?




  1. I believe that traffic wardens have friends who are other traffic wardens.  These friends reinforce the belief that they are doing a good job, since no one else can do that.

  2. Sorry to answera question with a question, but do wardens have any friends.

  3. No!


  5. Yes. Martin Bormann!

  6. No I think they just live like hermits in a shed somewhere...

  7. No, I mix in better circles than that honey.

  8. Yes, his name was Clyde as I remember.

  9. Didn,t you know they are a species apart and are quite friendless.

  10. Any friend of a traffic warden is no friend of mine!

  11. they dont have friends, they are born in a special place devised by the government.

    They have no place in everyday life and when they have finish slapping tickets on our cars they go back to the secret government agency and close the lid on their box until the next morning.

    They use the fines that they get to recharge their batteries for the next day as they have no feelings, or any heart.

    They are Government robots/machines.

    I hope this helps?

  12. Ha friends they dont have any parents (well they do but they are not married)

  13. I think you may have misworded the the question?

    Did you not mean, do you know any traffic wardens that have friends?

    Personally, I don't believe they're human, have you noticed how they all seem to look the same?

  14. anyone who has a friend who is a traffic warden is no friend of mine so, no, i don't know anyone!!!!!

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