
Know italian help pls?

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like (here you go) or (where can i find) (are very fast) (come lets have dinner)




  1. Here you go!

    Eccolo! or Eccola! (depends on what you're giving the person)

    Where can I find...?

    Dove posso trovare...?

    ... are very fast.

    ... sono molto rapidi. or ... sono molto rapide. (depends on what you're talking about)

    Come, let's have dinner.

    Dai, ceniamo. ("dai" is like "come on." "vieni" would be the literal translation of "come," and doesn't quite work here.)

  2. You wanna translate the above phrases in parentheses?

    Here you go: Ecco

    Where can I find...?: Dove si puo trovare...?

    Are very fast: if you're referring to objects, sono molto veloci--if it's a fast clock or something, then it would be va avanti (i.e. va cinque minuti avanti=it's five minutes fast).

    Come, let's have dinner: Andiamo a fare la cena.

    I'm sure there are multiple alternatives for each, but I hope I've been of some help...


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