
Know its not the right section, if you've ever been bullied plz tel me how you recovered?

by Guest32221  |  earlier

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I know its not the right section, if you've ever been bullied plz tel me how you recovered?

Hey plz make sence of this for me. ok i was bullied in primary school, not too sure why.?

it felt like my fault anyway. now ive finished, high school and college, both of which were h**l. in school i was fine except one "friend" who would tel me off constantly and keep putting me down seemed to everyone else as a nice person and if ever i said anything to her i was thought of as the one being awkward. evan now if i ever see her around i feel intimidated by her to the extent that i feel depressed all day, sometimes for longer. any way.. in college i was an easy target for people, if they had no one to pick on it would be me. it seemed as though they used me as a conversation starting point to sort of have a ***** bond between them. i became very quiet in college and have stayed so ever since i cant say anything mean to anyone even for revenge incase i make someone feel the way that i do. so people can get away with pretty much anything they do to me. why am i a target like this?

i am 21 now not a kid anymore. but can be intimidated by a 16 year old girl and she takes full advantage of it. she can make sure i dont turn up to a gathering within our community. i dont socialise at all anymore i only talk to people in my family that i have known since i was born. all of this i s influencing my behaviour so much. i easily get angry, never forgive anyone for evan the smallest of things. and generally feel depressed though i can put on a non depressed front on most of the time now as i have grown up with this feeling. it is severely affecting my life, i dropped out of university because of this and now wont even get a job. please help me.

i realise i just need to move on from my past but along with that i need a new frame of mind other wise ill be in the same situation over and over as i have been in the past. what can i do to sort this?

i dont really want counselling it'll probably go down as im a psycho or something and im not!!! i dont want it on my record at all.




  1. Hi,

    It's difficult to find the right one isn't it?  I have a similar problem to you so have just started looking at some college videos that are proving very useful. They have lots of info and students opinions on best, cheapest etc. If you think they could be helpful to you too you can see them for free at

    I hope that helps.

  2. i got close to the bully's friends and told them to tell her to stop

    sometimes id not go to school or where the bully's where.

    i told teachers.

    i just made the biggest fuss ever so everyone knew about it, i didn't feel ashamed at all.

  3. ive been bullied for being small which when i was in junior and infant school everyone liked it and everyone wanted to be my buddy when i moved up to junior school but the few people who had a problem with it i just ignored stand up to bullies or they will always get you down


  4. I used to get bullied really badly,    

    Just ignore the person that intimidates you.

    Get back to your life, go back to uni,  and socialize, No-one Will think your a Physco.  

    Your 21.  Stand Up For Your Self.  


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

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