
Know the new scam.?

by Guest56945  |  earlier

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i recieved this mail more than 1000 times.i know it's a scam so i share it with u:

From: Mr. Mohamed kazim,

African Development Bank

Burkina Faso (ADB)

Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.

Dear Friend,

It will be a surprise for you to receive this mail. Welcome this letter in the name of God I am Mr. Mohamed kazim, the director of the account & auditing dept, at the African Development Bank (ADB) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso West Africa. With due respect, I have decided to contact you on a business transaction that will be beneficial to both of us. At the bank's last account/auditing evaluations, I came across an old account which was being maintained by a foreign client who we learnt died on a sudden motor accident along Togo road on his way back to Burkina Faso with his entire family his wife and his only child on 6th Nov. 2003.

Since the deceased was unable to run this account since his death. The account has remained dormant without the knowledge of his family since it was put in a safe deposit account in the bank for future investment by the client. Since his demise, nobody, not even the members of his family have applied for claims over this fund and it has been in the safe deposit account until I discovered that. it cannot be claimed since our client is a foreign national and we are sure that he has no next of kin here to file claims over the money. As the director of the dept, this discovery was brought to my office so as to decide what is to be done. With the few personnel in my dept, I decided to seek ways through which to transfer this money out of the bank and out of the country too.

The total amount in the accounts is ten million five hundred thousand dollars (USD 10,500,000.00). with our positions as a staff of the bank, I am handicapped because I cannot operate foreign accounts and cannot lay bonafide claim over this money. while contemplating on what to do, I came across your email contact in the internet directory and I decided to ask you for help to transfer this money out of the country to your account in your country .the client is a foreign national and you will only be asked to act as his next of kin or business partner. I will supply you with all necessary information and bank data to assist you in being able to transfer this money to any bank of your choice where this money could be transferred to.

I have decided to give away forty %( 40%) to you for your assistance and ten (10%) for any expenses that might arise during the transaction of this transfer. I want to assure you that this transaction is absolutely 100% guarantee since I work in this bank which is why you should be confident in the success of this transaction because you will be updated with information as at when desired.

I will please wish you keep this transaction secret as I am hoping to retire with my share of this money at the end of transaction which will be when this money is safely in your account. I will then come over to your country for sharing of the money according to the previous agreed percentage. You might even have to advise us on possibilities of investment in your country or elsewhere of our choice. May god help you to help me to a restive retirement, Amen.

I am waiting for your urgent response!!!

Thanks and remain blessed.

Bellow is my resident contact address and my telephone line Siege social: 01bp 452001 -Ouagadougou 01 Tel: + 226 75 24 50 17.

Mr. Mohamed kazim.




  1. That's only a "new" scam if you've been living under a rock for about the past ten years.

  2. The reason why such scams continue to exist are because of the suckers who fall for it.

    One would have thought that with the information available on the internet, people could so easily key in the name of the sender into a Google search bar, and read what comes up.

    Yet, still they fall, poor stupid fools............

  3. As stupid and unbelievable as it sounds, real (dumb) people do get suckered into that.  I personally know a someone who's lost like $30k into it.

    Some others have reportedly lost hundreds of thousands, with one guy reportedly losing millions.

    Greed will you get.

  4. So what's new about it?  Has the spelling gotten better?  And this scam is much older than 10 years.  Before email, it was faxed.  Before fax, it was regular US mail -- the first one may have been delivered by the Pony Express.

    You won't get this garbage if you stop opening unsolicited email from unknown senders.  There is never anything of value in these spam emails.  When you open them, you tell the sender they have a live email address and you get inundated with more.  

    You are also exposing your computer to all sorts of virus.

    But worst of all, you copied in full and pasted this trash here.  Now some idiot will come along and say, hey that looks really good.
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