
Know your guardian angel?

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How can I know my guardian angel?




  1. Sweets, if you sit still and contemplate inwardly you will realize that Your Guardian Angels are part of you.  They are continually guarding, protecting and strengthening you to achieve your aspirations.  These Angels respect your free will (to do as you wish) but, if you turn to them (your inner self) they will guide you.  

    So, in order to know your guardian Angels, you must know yourself, not the one you want others to see, but your true self that only you can describe. After you do this, you must love your "true self" and in doing so, You will come to know and love your Guarding Angels.  There are more than one you know.  I know they are anxiously waiting for you to meet them.  

  2. I wish a knew my gurdian angel.

  3. do u beliv those??

  4. this is what my aunt did when she had cancer-she set up a little ceremony in a quiet place by her self with a picture of her dead cousin who died of cancer and her grandmother who died then she prayed to god and asked who will be her guardian angel?and the picture of her cousin moved to the side in the picture frame so that was who her guardian angel was  

  5. As one person has already stated listen with you heart... I finally accepted that i had one when i was pregnant with my first child...

  6. all right.  Going to give you the Christian answer.  Angels have lately become very popular as people search for spiritual meanings and influences in their lives but they've also gotten very distorted and what they really are has gotten a bit - shifted.  Guardian angels, according to the Bible are not the spirits of the dead that come back to watch over us.  Angels are creatures that are different from humans, they were created by God before the beginning of the world, a third of them chose to rebel against God and became demons/devils and the ones that remained faithful do God's will on this earth or work in Heaven.  The area most people run into problems is when they try to go to angels for advice, comfort, etc.  Angels, as servants of God, would never try to take the place of God in someone's life (remember the rebellion?).  In all things, they point toward God and its their duty and their pleasure to point people toward God.  Worshiping an angel, or seeking them instead of God - making them a small god to you - is exactly what they refused for themselves at the beginning of time.  It opens the door to all kinds of trouble, not the least of which would be the fallen angels that wanted to be gods and will happily let you make them one if given the chance.  Real angels are like the Special Forces in the military.  They do what needs to be done without any credit or expectation of thanks.  Getting to do their job is what fulfills them - knowing they are in the very center of God's will, helping the humans they are assigned to, knowing they've made God happy and advanced the kingdom of God - you have to understand real love to understand why they don't need credit.  And the fact that they LOVE their jobs.  And that they love the people they've been sent to watch over and take care of.  That by no means says that you can't thank them, a simple spoken word is heard.  It doesn't mean you can't ask God for help for them or a boost in forces when you're about to go into something rough, or that you can't ask God to send more angels to an area or person you're praying about.  And it doesn't mean you can't take comfort from knowing they're there and know that its because of God's love for you but also their own that they are there.  But every time you try to 'know' your guardian angel, he or she is simply going to point you to God.  'Don't thank me, thank the One that sent me' kind of thing.  'Don't ask me for help, ask the One that sent me to strengthen both of us'.  'Don't ask me what to do, ask the One that sent me to give us both directions.'  I personally look forward with a great deal of anticipation (and a little embarrassment) to meeting my guardian angels when we get to heaven.  Hearing things from their point of view on events in my life has got to be enlightening and I look forward to sharing 'war' stories with them.  But they're brothers in arms and I'm very careful to respect them enough to never try to put them into a position they refused when Satan rebelled.  They're my Black Ops boys and we're in this together.  Just knowing they're there and letting them know I know and appreciate it is enough for now.  We're all concentrating on keeping our eyes on God and what He wants so we don't miss out on anything.  When I get to heaven I'm hoping we can go on some adventures together - I've got a sneaking suspicion that as creatures of pure energy they can take any shape they chose.  Your guardian angel(s) doesn't need to be known.  He just needs to be able to be there for you and the best way for that to happen is when you're following God's will.  Don't focus on the hood of your car when you're driving - pay attention to the road.

  7. some times i bleive that our guardian is not only with use all but they speek to us when we feel scared or think this is not going right it them telling us to not do it,  

  8. You listen with your heart and not your ears. My guardian angel has got me out of more  trouble than I can count.

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