
Knowing nothing-are we "allowed" to ask for a child of a certian nationality?

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Knowing nothing-are we "allowed" to ask for a child of a certian nationality?




  1. yes. But you may have to wait much much longer for a child. Also in the US the mothers choose the adopotive parents, so it really could take forever.

  2. It is your choice and your money, you should get what you want.  It is not frowned upon to ask for a certain gender so why not ask for a certain nationality?

  3. Usually, people who adopt domestically will be asked about racial preferences.  Since you may be matched with a birthmother, you won't get to choose the gender.  In international adoption, many programs allow you to request gender, but you may not know the exact ethnic group your child will come from in certain programs.  For example, when you adopt from Russia or Khazakastan, some children are blond and European looking and some are more Asian looking, and you wouldn't get to choose.

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