
Knowing sociology, how do you think society woud respond to the assertion that 'you should never generalize'?

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Knowing sociology, how do you think society woud respond to the assertion that 'you should never generalize'?




  1. generalizations are my friends.

  2. Agree adn carry on - because the stories peopel ward of f painful truths with are a defence agianst knowing just how bad a state we are in . The story that blames one section isnt really about believing it but asking for confirmation in order to ward off unpalatable truths.

    It seems like a defence akin to a possum who plays dead to survive and if you turn him over with your foot will rollover and play dead again.

    People are desperate for the stories that let them off the hook - Generalisations are dead! long live generalisations!

  3. Well, knowing people, I'd say most would probably agree that generalizing can lead to false conclusions.  However, would people still generalize knowing this?  I believe they would, and do.  I see it as "shortcut thinking"'s easier to rely on a generalization than it is to use critical thinking skills or to seek out reliable (and new) information.  People take mental shortcuts often without thinking about it...and even though most never intend for it to have a harmful consequence, occasionally that is the result.

  4. ALL generalizations are FALSE.

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