
Knowing someone/something is behind you watching?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I was on the computer. Everyone in my family had gone to bed and I was the only one up. Suddenely I had a strong feeling that something was behind me watching me. I turned around and nothing was there.

It has been cold recently, so I'm often wearing really warm jumpers and stuff. When this happened I was warm, but I started to get cold chills and I started shaking. I don't know if it was actually from the cold or something else, but after a while I was feeling warm again.

Does this happen to you, and if it does, how do you react to it?




  1. Honestly, it is probably just paranoia. If its just your fear that something is behind you, nothing is probably there. I'm not saying that it couldn't be though. Cold doesn't necessarily mean bad. And Warm is definitely good. If you do feel like someone is watching you.. i know how crazy this sounds but talk to it. And don't be scared because no matter what it is it can't physically hurt you unless you let it. I feel like that all the time but i have no idea what your beliefs are and i dont want to bother you with that.. idk hope i helped a little.

  2. wow this is exactly what happens to me like every night i stay up late on my computer alone i always get that feeling and every time it happens i usually go straight to bed

  3. Everyone gets feelings of insecurities like they're being watched.  It's a common fear.

  4. I used to get that alot, but I hated the feeling so I guess I trained myself to ignore it because stopped getting it. However, the past month or so I've been getting the feeling of someone blowing into my ear -_-' Don't know what it's causing it - it's my ear facing the wall, which has no vents/windows, so it can't be drafts, and I use plugs when swimming/showering so I can't be getting water in my ear =/

  5. It is a little different for me.  I have felt cold spots during investigations and they are quite interesting, but never have a felt anyone behind me who I could not see once I turned around.

    I would make pictures.  Just keep the camera handy and make a few snaps without looking behind you the next time it happens.  The results could be interesting.

  6. There is the possibility that the Electro Magnetic Field  was higher than normal around you.  This can cause nausea and a kind of paranoid feeling among other things. (It is also called EMF.  A high EMF reading can cause symptoms of a haunting, like being watched.)  Check to make sure all of your electrical plugs are plugged in properly and not frayed or chewed  anywhere.  Also if you know someone who can check your electrical lines and the electric box (if you can't do it yourself) that might be a good idea too.  

    EMFs fascinate me and I am looking forward to researching it more.  I first saw it on Ghost Hunters.  They talk about high EMFs  causing something called a Fear Cage.  I believe some of the places I have investigated may have had something like that involved.  

    However, if all this checks out okay, maybe you had a visit from a spirit or ghost.  They can invade your personal space to the point that you feel them.  What you described has happened to me several times while investigating some ones home and at some outside locations.  I haven't seen anyone behind me either, but I sure felt it.

  7. Not actually behind me, but I do get the sense of not being alone. Many times, strange things happen: things fall and/or are moved; doors closing by themselves (all windows and outside doors closed, so no draft); and some softly bumps and thumps.  A paranormal visitor? I don't know, but I am not afraid as there never seems to be any anger or displeasure displayed.

  8. When people are alone there senses tend to over-run because people do not like being alone. Not to discredit that something is there because there could be. Keep a camera close by and when you feel something behind don't turn around just pick up the camera and take a picture of what is behind you. But i wouldn't pay it attention unless you see something or hear wierd noises.

  9. I get this feeling a lot that someones just standing behind you . It had gotten to the point where I had to have my house cleansed whether that was all a hoax or not and gave me peace of mind whatever it worked.  I don't think if something is there that its there to harm you in anyway.  Cause I had a discussion with my one friend about this that dead relatives like to come visit sometimes just to check up on ya.  I get this feeling maybe 1-2 times a week. I already checked the EMFs in my room and nothing out of the ordinary to cause such feelings.  But yeah its a creepy feeling Let me know if you need help me if you have anymore questions.

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