
Knowing that you have an empty uterus, how can you vote for a pro-choice candidate?

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Haters ALL! No one obviusly understood my question yet!




  1. It's the woman's choice.  No woman should HAVE to give birth just because someone else wants to have a baby.  Just b/c you have an empty uterus doesn't mean anything necessarily to another woman.  You don't know what it's like for that woman who needs the option of choice.

    I don't mean "you" as you personally.  "You"  just as in general.

  2. I'm against having an abortion myself, but I'm still 100% pro choice. I'd much rather women had safe access to abortions than feel they had to resort to backyard jobs. There are certain things politicians should make laws about and have enforced. Traffic control, for instance. Some things ought to be personal decisions. I wouldn't like anyone to deny me an abortion (if I wanted one) any more that I'd like someone impregnating me without my permission. Some things are my business, and my business only.

  3. What does HATING got anything to do with someone else CHOICE??? It's not the woman fault that you can't get pregnant!! Who are you to judge what someone else is doing! If you keep up with this attitude, you might not never know, how it truly feels to have a baby in your stomach. But yes we understand your questions, but at the end of the day this lady have to take care of that child. YOU DIDN"T!! Why do people have to be some cruel and judgmentall about something don't concern them.. You need to put all that negative energy and turing into positive to try to have your own. mind your business and let that woman take care her problems.  Please remember we all are experiencing this problem not being able to have a baby, but's it's not up to me whether You or anyone else keep there baby or not. I hope one day, your heart will soften up, you sound like you have been hurt or something. Take care  

  4. Because pro-choice candidates respect a woman's right to do what she wants with her body. What does having an empty uterus have to do with it?

  5. Cause it isn't governments place to tell you what to do with your uterus.   They don't belong in the Doctor's office.

    Government can't stop it.  Politicians who say they can have never been able to, and have only made things worse for woman.

    Ultimately, there are some laws man can't prosecute.   What you do in this area is between a person and their maker.

  6. Maybe it is bad idea to not have a child get killed.

  7. It should not really effect you in any way.

    You are being selfish, not the other way around.

    People are free to make their own choices, and the fact that your are unable to conceive should not weigh on their decision.  

    Just because you cannot have a child, does not mean that an unwanted pregnancy should be carried to term to give to a woman who cannot conceive. Not right.

  8. That is an ugly, offensive question. Take it to the politics section.

    Knowing that 8.7 million - or 11.7 percent of all children in the U.S. are currently uninsured, and that the number of children who are uninsured increased by nearly 610,000 in 2006, the second year that the number of uninsured children increased, how can you vote for a candidate who refuses to insure children? Knowing that 1 in 4 homeless people are US Veterans, and 64% of welfare recipiants are children, how can you support a candidate that wants to cut social service programs?

  9. I myself would not have an abortion but I don't think we should give the government the power to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. They have enough power already and I don't feel anyone has the right to tell someone what to do with their body. I do agree with you that abortion should not be used as a form of birth control but keep in mind that not all abortions are done for that reason. I know the majority are but there are also abortions due to medical issues or as a result of rape. I just believe that it should be the women's decision to make, not the government.  

  10. It's easy.  Some people CHOOSE to have an empty uterus and other people CHOOSE not to.  This is not to say that abortion should be a regular form of birth control, but it does have its advantages, especially in the cases of ignorant little girls thinking it is "grown up" to get penetrated by a p***s.  These children cannot take care of themselves, much less a helpless baby.  I am all for ANYTHING that will cut down on child abuse, and immature parents are the number one cause of that.    

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