
Knowing the Low-political will worldwide , regarding Abolishing Terrorism ,why y this hypocracy.?

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We read almost daily the biased comments of "Human Rights Organisations, Big Nations that they want to abolish Terrorism and save Humanlife , but their efforts do not seem to be sincere and unbiased when their vested interests strike.

Then why to take this cause at various levels and show their Hollow concern on International plateforms, where "Birds of the same feather flock together>"




  1. militant atheism works for me!

  2. While there are 'certain politicians' and the media as well as some international organizations attempting to use the bodies of my fallen brothers for their political agenda,

    Some politicians realize the threat is real and is grave.  They have ignored their 'legacy' and politics because to retreat would cost the nation and world more than their own reputations which they've sacrificed.

    Our enemy will not negotiate.  It does not play by any rules of humanity or international law.  This is not a game of football with time limits.

    The threat is real.  The enemy is real.  The cost of winning is great and will take decades.  The cost of defeat is catastrophic and will last lifetimes.

    See my blog:

    No politics.  Just the groundtruth from a combat veteran who has been to both fronts in the war on terror, backed up by independent research and historical study.

  3. Ever wonder how can the dead Mummy solve the mess out there when they was dead and buried out there?

    Luke 9.60

    Look around how they don't even know how to trace the faults out there.

    Trace back in the past how our creator led and guided living human kind with the Liberation of Freedom from world war two.

    If the dead Mummy were good.

    They will not get themselves kick on the butts living in misery out there.

    The blunders and slip-ups with human errors with idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past who was dirty old man like you and me who made blunders and slip-ups with human errors back in the past in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

  4. The SHOW must go ON wether the problem is real, man created or otherwise. Even those who are under the impression that by terrorism they can create a new world order,

    in fact are providing politicians an oppertunity to carry 0n there political games, even if it costs them their life as well as of various young men.

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