
Knowing to much bad...?

by  |  earlier

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ok if someone knows alot about something they shouldn't, doesn't that make them want to do it more?




  1. no

  2. The s*x thing.

    knowing stuff makes you do it safe.

    not actually make you want to do it,

    think of countries like sweden, where s*x ed it taught from about aged 7 and they have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in the globe.

  3. No! The more you know about something, the more informed you are, thats all.  

  4. No ,depend of what is it,if is s*x,i think you want more and more.i thnk everyone is different cool.

  5. I think that depends on the topic being discussed.

  6. I don't think so I believe the more information and education you have the better prepared you will be when the time comes.  

  7. It did for me!

  8.    i don't know wat u mean but too much of something is poisonous

  9. For some people it does.

    It really depends.


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