
Known by our actions???

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I was recently told that you are "NOT" known for your actions. I disagree! I believe that what you do and say define you to all around you. Would you agree? or not?




  1. Agree

  2. Just stay true to your actions and be responsible for the consequences if. Sometimes we mean well but people take it the wrong way.  Just surround yourself with good friends that will vouch for your actions.  So even if someone misinterpret your good deed someone can vouch for your actions.  Good luck.

  3. Action speak louder than words!

    They say communication is 55% body language

                                                    38% tone of voice

                                                     7% spoken words

    Non-verbal communication (action) encompasses 93% of our overall message.

    It can include your attire, tone of voice, clearing your throat, rubbing your eyes, crossing your arms, tapping your toes, scratching your nose. Eye contact, or lack thereof, gestures, crossed legs, open arms, and the scent we transmit are all forms of non-verbal communication. Through your choice of clothing, hairstyle, glasses, accessories, and makeup if applicable, your appearance also communicates a strong message. The way you dress plays a vital part in how listeners receive you and how others respond to you.

  4. Agree

    Actions always speak louder than words

  5. Thoughts become words,

    Words become actions,

    Actions become habits.

    It is our habits that define who we are and what we will become.

    Certainly, we are known for our actions.  Have you ever heard the old saying, "I can't hear the words that you are saying because your actions are speaking too loud!"

  6. Definately.  You are known for what you do and what you say.  

    If what you do matches your words you are a straight shooter.  If you say one thing and do another you are two faced.  

    How else is someone judged to win an awards for a nobel peace prize or get labeled as a career criminal?  It is all about the past history.  History determines the present.

  7. How agree tell us.

  8. I agree with you, James! You are definitely known by what you say and do! It's even Biblical: you know a person and who they are by their fruit, as the Bible puts it.

  9. I definetely agree!! It's not what you say its how you act!

  10. Words are cheap; ignore what I say, judge me by what I do.

    How else could you make a sensible evaluation?

  11. Ideally, that would be a nice concept.  Unfortunately in the real world people are known by how much money the have / make, and what prestigious title they have.

  12. I agree with you.  Our actions, words and the people we associate with define us.  It is true in daily life, religion and politics.

    Free will is ours.  It is up to us to use it to better ourselves.

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