
Known dangerous and violent mugger is mugged and beaten?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think that such a crime should warrant the same amount of Police time and investigation as trying to find the person who mugged 'grannie' getting her pension?




  1. First off, if an Assailant of sorts, is 100% and Infallibly GUILTY, then. . . yeah, he should get a kicking or something by the Relatives/Friends in question.

    It must not however be left to the Working Classes to go on the rampage and dish out similar punishments.

    Reason? It's because they LOVE doing that sort of thing, they get it wrong often, picking on anyone that looks a bit weird, succumbing to vicious Bored Doley Types slandering and spreading malicious rumours and hyping up the menfolk to go and DO 'em.


  2. I'm from a town where kangaroo courts and instant beatings were the norm, i'd say 99 percent were justified but its the one percent who may have been innocent.  Let the cops handle it unless the person is caught red handed by the community stealing a car or burglarizing a house.  But sometimes a single slap wasn't issued a car thief for example could be made to stand on a street corner with a placard around his neck declaring himself to be a "hood" (car thief), this was stopped by the bleeding heart brigade.  Now the scumbags run the streets.

  3. thats like saying a soldier who went a bit rambo in the iraq war and massacured civilians deserves to be blown up by an iraqi suicide bomber.

  4. Unfortunately yes, because whoever mugged him would likely also be a danger to everybody else. It just happened that this time he jacked one of his own.

  5. Of course. As soon as the police have stopped laughing and picked themselves up off of the floor, it should be dealt with as a matter of the highest ... routine.

  6. Personally I would want to clear "no report", but I don't get to pick the victims of the crimes I investigate.

    Being a professional, means acting in a professional manner regardless of your personal feelings. Thus I would investigate the example you give the same way as any other violent mugging.

  7. The phrase "Just desserts" springs to mind.

    I believe that the most basic, simple and excellent way to punish criminals is to dish out what they've done as punishment. If they've punched someone in the cheek, they should be smacked back with equal, if not more force.

    Lol also springs to mind.

  8. I would loose the papers in the shredder if I was in that position, but unfortunately the Police have to act as if it were any other crime.

  9. Well it wouldnt do, and i think you know the answer to this. The thing is the police will focus on the criminal not so much the crime, they want people who carry out these crimes off the street.

    (When I was burgled years ago the police (off the record) admitted because I was a young bloke who would cope ok, they wouldnt do as much as they would with a distraught female for instance)

  10. From a personal standpoint - NO -  I feel if they deserved it (being a convicted felon/mugger/violent). BUT - law wise, a crime is a crime and it should be handled fairly and equally.

  11. no,what comes around goes around

  12. Yes.

    Absolutely. Such is the rule of law. 'To protect the persons and property of her majesty's subjects without malice or favour'.

    Once police start prioritising their efforts on the basis of individual history, they are showing 'malice and favour' and the system breaks down, to the detriment of us all.

  13. well its like that person said how would they know he's a mugger. well, ok if he's a known mugger, i highly doubt hes going to call the cops. he'd pretty much be calling the cops on himself, because the other person may go to jail but so will he. once u start messing with the law ur pretty much on ur own.....

  14. Yep, whether it was murder, robbery whatever of a bad guy or the rape of a prostitute we worked hard to get the bad guy. Nature of the law and the job. Also a bad guy is still going to be a bad guy with the next victim, wholesome or not.

  15. personally yes...a crime is a crime...although it may have been karma judging him that got him beaten up...who says he is a known mugger?..the local gossips?...anyone worth their salt knows that you cant trust the gossipmongers!

  16. They will get the police time but isn't it satisfying just to read that headline!  Anyone who has ever been mugged or robbed will know the meaning of revenge is sweet.

  17. Nope.  If you are committing a crime and you get beaten to a pulp or killed in the process that's just your tough luck.

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