
Koalas and its environment?

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Is there any way that the environment would depend on koalas? i know that koalas depend on the environment for its food and shelter...but would the koala and its environment be considered interdependece?




  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here (no pun intended) and say that when the koala eats the eucalyptus leaves it lets more sunlight through the canopies allowing smaller plants to take root on the forests floors. Without browsers such as the koala these smaller plants would probably be in a lot more trouble, but I really am reaching here. All organisms interact with their environment and all play a vital role in the ecosystem they are a part of from the ugliest of rats the the mightiest and most majestic of whales.

  2. From all that I have heard about Koala, I would have to answer your question with a NO.

    The koala is totally dependent on its environment. There has to be food nearby. Food = eucalyptus leaves. While there are plenty of eucalypt, koalas are very picky eaters and will only eat certain types of eucalypt.

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