
Kobe Bryant Surgery on Pinky Finger?

by Guest58201  |  earlier

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Any idea on when he is getting the surgery done??? NBA season will be starting up again soon and no word on when he's getting it done.




  1. soon and he'll be ready before oct. 28

  2. im pretty sure heel be ready come game time... the only bad thing would be if he cant move it because of doctors orders in which case he would need a brace of some sort which he didnt like much cause it felt weird when handling the ball.....

    I dont think much can keep him out cause hes also a defensive presence in which case his hand can be in a cast... he also can shoot from the left... he just prefers the right.

  3. pretty soon

    I'm sure he'll be ready before the season opener starts

  4. He better get it soon because his doctor said it can take from 4 to 6 weeks. He should have done it by now.

  5. I assumed that he would have surgery immediately after the Olympics, and that still seems to be the plan. However, as of this writing, no date has been set for his surgery (see source below). I'm positive though that he will be having surgery within the next week or two. It's going to take four weeks to heal afterwards, and training camps open the beginning of October. So he will have the surgery very soon.

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