
Kobe bryant- second greatest of all time?

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when its all said and done




  1. yes maybe

    lebron MIGHT be able to pass him

  2. HELLLLL NO  uhhhhhhh kobe is the best now am ima kobe fan but cmon  wat about russell wilt  larry bird magic isiah cmon u skiped every1 wow u guys havent been doing ur homework larry BIRD IS BETTER THEN HIM so is karrem so is MJ so is juilius cmon  kobe hasnt proved himself without shaq  YETTT but still unless he can win a few more titles then u can say hez 2nd but thats not happening

  3. I have to agree. Kobe has done things that people thought couldn't be done in the modern age of the NBA. Magic has a more storied career, Kobe could do what Magic did and score more. His team and time of his career make his stats different. Kobe is better than Bird, and every other perimeter player. LeBron will have better stats than them all if he keeps up his growth rate in the game. His legacy depends on titles.

  4. kobe is in the top 10

  5. Of ALL TIME??...No Way

    Of OUR TIME??...YES!!!

    There were so many more players and I think Kobe at least ranks in the top 5, but I don't think his place will be second. Hopefully if the USA wins the Olympics, and Kobe does very good, it might change my perspective.

  6. Right now he is.. Russell is the only one better than him.. But when it's all said and done, Kobe will surpass Russell.

    Rigght now its:


  7. People keeps comparing him and Jordan.That's why they get the idea that,even if he doesn't surpass Jordan,he'll at least rank at No.2.


    What about,Larry Bird,Magic Johnson,Kareem Abdul Jabbar,Tim Duncan.Apparently,when there's Kobe,all legends fade.

  8. Kobe is an awesome player, but Magic will always be better than Kobe. Magic has awesome passing skills, and he is a excellent scorer as well. Kobe may be the 3rd best in the NBA behind Magic and Jordan.

  9. no

  10. I don't know how you can say that.  He's not even the best Lakers of all time in my opinion.  That title goes to Magic.  I don't think you ever seen Magic play based on what you are saying.

  11. The second greatest of all-time is Magic

  12. Mebbe.

  13. Of course not. He will never be better than MJ, Bird, Magic, Kareem, Wilt...the list goes on.

  14. no.

  15. No

    But If He Was The Second Greatest Shaq Would Be First

  16. Nope, the most overrated of all time.

    Second greatest is Tim Duncan.

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