
Kobudo and Karate and Sai???

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I wanted to know because I am going to get a pair of Sai and I want to learn how to use them!

So do I have to learn Karate first? or Do I learn Kobudo separate I'm lost... I will email you or add some more question if I think of anymore.





  1. Kubodo is something that is taught with karate.  Find a karate dojo, and ask the instructor for private lessons on the sai.  That way you wont learn anything but what you wanna learn

  2. Find a traditional (key word there) school if you really want to learn them Okinawan and Japanese schools teach them as do some styles of Kung Fu and Korean arts.

    Good luck and have fun.

  3. Not many karate schools teach kobudo.

    You will not be accepted as a student by any true kobudo organization as an individual, unless your school has an affiliation with a kobudo school, or you have Dan rank.

    XMA "sai" kata is not kobudo. It is B U L L S H I T !!! XMA in general is garbage.

    I don't have experience with Sai but I believe stainless steel sai, if made properly, are combat ready, depending on the grade of stainless used.

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