
Kohls department store?

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I have an interview for Kohls on thursday and i was wondering if anyone worked or has gone to an interview for Kohls.

What kind of questions do they ask. I really want this job. If i don't get it i have a backup at this local store. I really hate that store. I would prefer Kohls.

Any interview tips in general?




  1. First, wear make-up.  No make-up can be just as unprofessional if it makes you look like you don't care about your appearance. But do keep it subtle, light blush, lip gloss, mascara, a bit of light powder or foundation if needed.  But that's it.  You want to look attractive, but not "made-up"  (Especially since you will be working with customers).

    And wearing clothes from the store is a good idea, but don't be obvious about it - or at least wear clothes that look as if it could have come from Kohl's (no high end name brands/designers!).  Perhaps a top and nice skirt and nice shoes - no flip flops.  (and make sure that the top and skirt doesn't give your interviewer a peep show when you lean over or sit down and make sure there is no plumber's crack going on  in the back :-) ).

    The type of questions will depend on the position you want, basically they will be seeing how you will relate to the customers, and responsible you seem, and how quickly they think you can learn the job.  The questions will vary depending on who is interviewing.  

    You can appear eager for the job - express that Kohl's is you first choice.  But NOT for the discount.  The reason should be something like "As a Kohl's shopper myself - I can honestly stand behind the store and it's merchandise and that's important to me."   Remember that Kohl's really focuses on customer service.  

    And come up with a negative quality that could be good - they may ask you what is your worst quality and a good answer is something like "I'm perfectionist, I want to get things right" or "I am such a stickler for being on time and it drives my family nuts"  Those are actually good things.  he he.  

    And be very specific with your positives and provide the "proof".  Not "I'm good with people" but "I seem to have a way of relating to people that they trust me, I was elected Class President"  not "good with math" but "I've gotten straight A's in math."  

    Be nice and BE FRIENDLY  -- Smile, and appear relaxed and confident.  As though of course they should want you!  But not arrogant.

    Just really put yourself in the position of hiring someone and think what they would want to hear.

    But also be yourself.  If you come in with too many canned prepared answers or are too fake you may end up with  a job that you are actually not suited for.

    Good Luck to ya!

  2. well i would dess with clothes from their store and make it look fancy.DO NOT BE NERVOUS!!!i went to a job interview at LOehmans and all they did was ask if i knew how to fold and am i good at math.Name only good qualities about yourself do not tell them bad qualities!

  3. Interview tip number one, DRESS business casual, wear little or NO makeup, wear little or no jewellery, when seated, don't cross your legs or fold your arms over your chest.

    smile and make eye contact, speak in clear direct sentences and always be polite and professional.

    Good Luck

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