
Koi pond water temperature etc?

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I live in the San Francisco east bay and I will be in an apartment for 5 more months until the beginning of January. I have a koi that I would like to keep until I move into a house in January in a warmer area. I am concerned about water temperature and oxygen levels in the next 5 months until I can get an in-ground pond put into my back yard. The koi is in a simple plastic container thats about 60 gallons or so, out on the balcony at my apartment. I have some plants around it to keep the sun off of him as much as possible in the mornings. Im primarily concerned about the water temperature at night, because the pond is above ground and exposed to colder air on all sides.

At night the average temperatures here in the next 5 months will go from 55(this month) to 40(december) and the daily highs will average 85(this month)-55(december). Is that warm enough to not have to worry about it?

Does the koi require at least a small heater to at least have a warmer section of water or will he be fine in the cold water overnight?

Also, oxygen, whats a good way to provide it? Just water change every week? or a small air pump?




  1. You should have a heater. Set it to the right temperature and it'll turn on when it needs to. As for the oxygen, you probably will need an air pump. Change every week since it's a koi and some tend to be dirty. Make sure you have an air filter.

  2. 60 gallons is big enough the question is how many koi?  no filter? if no filter with a big koi waste so much in one day a 16 inches koi in a 12 gallon basin with aerator in two days super cloudy.  Before when I starting in koi when I water chang I catch everyone put it in a 12 gallon basin overcrowded with aerator after 4 hours every koi is gasping in the airstone.  Temperature is no problem as long it will not freeze the water.

  3. I have a pond with 8 Koi in Minnesota - and during the winter the temps go down to -20 degrees F air temperature.  And my Koi survive nicely.  So - air temperatures of 40-50 degrees are of no concern to your Koi.  When water temps go below this level - do NOT feed your one fish.  Above 40 deg F - you can feed the Spring/Fall food.  Below these temps - the food digested by Koi can stagnate in the intestines - and kill the fish.  But what do you care?  Bring your fish tank inside!

    What is of concern - is that you need to basically build an indoor fish tank until you are ready to launch your one Koi to your pond.

    This means a tank with filtration and aeration - and food.

    This is a no-brainer.  Your local pet shop can hook you up.

  4. Koi fish do like warm weather, but what many people don't know is that they are hardy fish (can survive in winter). I'm not suggesting you put them out there in winter, do move them in, but they Can survive in any weather. Just be a little careful.

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