
Kolkatta or Culcatta? Bombay or Mumbai?

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..and Chennai or Madras? I like the old names better! They shouldn't have changed it =(

Do you like the old ones or the new ones?




  1. You mean "Kolkata" and Calcutta?

  2. "Calcutta" is the traditional way of spelling it, in English. Before the British came along there wasn't really a Calcutta as we know it today; just a small fishing town called Kalikata. "Kolkata" is a more literal transliteration of how people who live there actually pronounce it. Either spelling is acceptable, but the official spelling is now Kolkata.

    As far as I know, "Bombay" is an anglicized version of the city's name, and people now prefer "Mumbai" as more accurate.

  3. Am used to the old names and do like them.

    But after independence, India has changed most names that had been distorted and adapted by the British. Names that they found easy to pronounce.

    Also there is an 'allergy' of English names. No one wants to be reminded of the 'slavery' days. They did make a mess of the country.

    But as for Kolkata. It is not new at all. It is what all locals called the place. It is "Kolkata" in Bengali always.

  4. What is the point of changing names anyways?

    They're so similar, there's not much of a difference to me.

    However Bollywood was named that because of the city of Bombay, does that mean that now it should be called "Mollywood", or how about "Mullywood"? lol

  5. Yeah old names were better then these new ones,partly because we were in habit of calling these cities with these names only and suddenly govt chnaged the names, i dont know why did they do that, it was awefully strange to remember these names at that time even now also i would rather call bombay then calling it mumbai.But anyways they have changed now and kids of this generation wont be having any trouble knowing then with new names if govt doesnt come up again with some new names :D

  6. The Oldies rock...i like them the mostt

  7. politics my baby politics

    our corrupt politicians know how to manipulate our simple rural citizens ......nothing but waste of taxpayer's money

  8. The old names like Bombay, Calcutta and Madras are defenitely better than the new names.

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