
Korea wins gold medal in baseball OLYMPICS?

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how does.. a miniscule nation such as korea win so many medals?

i mean its is reasonable that china won the most gold medals.. cuz of their crazy population..

what i really cant believe is that theyre the best in the world right now in Baseball... well i know their record was 8-1 in world baseball classics but i thought it was just luck..

whats your view on this ishh

- Go USA and phelps




  1. It doesn't matter, It's because of their hard work and training, can't they win at least for once? Be happy for them, they almost never won so much in a million years. Let them be. Maybe next olympic games they won't even win ONE gold medal, just be happy while they did. It doesn't have to stay the same way, differences are good. changes make the world.

  2. lol who said their baseball team was bad? and actually population does have an influence on how many medals a country wins in general. and lol win not even 1 medal? they won over 30 medals this year.. im sure they'll win more than 1

  3. face facst mate, you lost period ok the Koreans won the God becasue they were the better team on the day, and luck there is no such thing you either have it or you don't end of story

  4. korea has a lot of population like 50 million its just their coutnry size is small and its not luck theire obviously good at it thats why they won gold

  5. Winning medals doesn't have anything to do with the country's population. It's how much they train and their determination.

  6. i think thinking like they are the best in the world right now is somewhat ridiculous. cuz it's only one time they won gold medal. the thing is however they made their best effort for this olympic game and they might be able to make such a wonderful play. i heard there are several professional baseball team in korea like MLB. of course, their level may be much lower than that of MLB. but, country which has pro game teams generally plays well like japan, taiwan, etc.. through pro game teams they can compete each other and can make good team.

    south korea nowadays sells us cutting edge products like samsung cell phone, hyundai cars.. they are now rich and i think they invested lots of money for olympic baseball game team.

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