
Korean adoption? Has anyone adopted from there?

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Ok so my my family is interested in Korean adoption. Has anyone adopted from there? If so, what agency did you use? How did it work? How long did it take? How much approx. money did it cost? Any information would be helpful. Thanks!




  1. As a previous poster mentioned, adopting from Korea is more difficult than from other countries, and the Korean government has quite a few restrictions.  We looked into adopting from Korea because they have wonderful medical care for the adoptive kids and most of them are in foster care instead of orphanages, but ultimately we ended up going with China.  Here's a website with some great information on adopting from Korea, along with lists of agencies for each state:

    Good luck to your family!!

  2. that is so cool that they are looking into adoption

  3. South Korea has some pretty tough restrictions on adoption.  They only use a couple of agencies, one of which is Holt International.  Check out their website for more info.

  4. its really hard

    u got to search different places

    because thres mroe fileing to do then


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