
Kosovo: Its recent departure from Serbia has been supported by the US and Europe, and Frowned upon by Russia?

by Guest65649  |  earlier

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and Other nations like China.

Do you support this movement?

What are the international legal implications of this?

and how/ why does this sever ties between US and Russia?

Be as specific as possible and dont be afraid to cite sources if you used them.





  1. It's illegal, coz Kosovo is Serbia! How can USA always be right??? YOU (USA) ARE SO WRONG!!! And one more thing, it can't be any kind of precedent coz it happens all over the world!!!


  2. The brown people want to separate. This is why USA likes it. Anything the US likes is ususally bad because we are controlled by Jews.

  3. No.

    USA would get the power to go against international law, Russia and China are afraid this would happen.

    What ties?

  4. I absolutely support Kosovo's declaration of independence. The international consequences of this could be that China and Russia's influences are broken when they see that most other free nations side with Kosovo. This is probably the largest advantage. I don't think it will sever ties with Russia. They've acted tough in the past, but haven't followed through with anything.

  5. First of all, this decision does NOT sever ties between the US and Russia. As of two and a half weeks ago, President Bush and Vladmir Putin met at the world summit and agreed conclusively on a joint missile defense system in Europe. Clearly, ties have not been broken. The US supports Kosovo simply because of the UN charter which states that any province/ state can become its own independent country and would be recognized internationally as such.

  6. Kosovo has been a part of Serbia for hundreds of years, and what Sovereign Nation would chose to have it's country split up by International force? In the US it would be like Texas demanding to be Independent: In Germany Bavaria, In Great Britain Scotland, in China Tibet..Now the US and most of Europe have the comfort of stability from the prospect of 'states' they are for it if there might be some financial gain for them in the process..Kosovo and the planned oil pipeline..Politics is Money..There are areas of unrest in both China and Russia, and do not appreciate the precedence being set in regard to Serbia..How can you blame them..Anyone thinking that the Kosovo debacle had anything to do with a Humanitarian agenda would benefit from a glance around the globe at all the points on earth where International intervention is really needed...Unfortunately, if there is no sound financial reason to intervene..It will not happen.

  7. Many European nations oppose Kosovo also (Spain, Greece, etc). Don't muddy the facts.

  8. Kosovo is unique in the sense that it is America's creation and yet its a muslim majority. If anything Kosovo will be another Israel(in more than one way) in a part of the world where it is not really welcomed. It will be interesting to watch how this country grows into being amongst the post powerful in the region.

    Like how Israel was created in a place where muslims regard as holy, so is kosovo because alot of orthodox christians see this in the same light.

    I support both Israel (as well as palestine) and Kosovo. this is so because both people fell victim to genocide so it is apparent they need a home and safe haven for their people.

    the legal implications? well, refer to US and Israel.

    US and Russia relationships will always be strained as long as Russia is on the rise to super power status. its interesting because Russia wants desperately to have peaceful relations with muslim countries (chechnya being a sore), having already made the mistake of war in afghanistan in the 80's. China and Russia will not press too much on Kosovo because both nations have a slow but steady rise of muslims in their population. They both have close ties with alot of ultra rich muslim nations,too. Look for trouble from nearby Serbia...

  9. Sure I support them. As far as Russia and China they always support the opposite of whomever the US is supporting.

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