
Kosovo ji Srbija - aren't you missing the point big time. Get it through your skull?

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It's not whether Federer made excuses for his losing against Fish, Novak, etc. (But incidentally, even if Federer makes those excuses, he has held No.1 for a record in consecutive weeks. Let's see Novak hold it that long consecutively). It's not whether Nadal loses to Ferrero in his first match in Rome and blames his blister for the loss. Regardless of the injures Federer and Nadal claim for their loses, they do not quit midway through the match. They face their loses like champions do and not like the cowardly Serbian Novak is - that is the point. Moreso, Federer and Nadal complain before the match, play the match anyway, then if they lose, they lose and complain more. Unlike Novak who is fine before the match, loses his grip midway, and complains why he has to quit. Strep throat my *** - Novak finishes his meds yesterday and can play a more than 2 hour match to beat Andreev today under sweltering heat. Sure he had strep throat in his brain.




  1. Leave Kosovo ji Srbija alone, she has a right to stand up for her favorite player.

  2. First of all. Pistol, your just retarded. But thats a given. You should go kill yourself for trying to act intelligent. Have you ever had strep throat? Its not just a sore throat. You get a high fever, have hard time breathing and pain in the chest and abdomin. And you think its more honourable to complain before a match then it is to not complain at all? Novak didn't say anything and thats what champions do. You don't go out blaming that your sick. He tried to get through it and couldn't, which is why Federer  won the first set. Im pretty sure i could beat Federer right now. You make me laugh. More honourable to come into a match complaining rather than trying to fight through it and if it gets tough calling it quits. Its funny how Federer blames sickness for his pwnage by Novak  at the AO, and then uses the same excuses like months later when he gets owned by Murray. Haha get off Federer's d**k. He had a nice run but hes done.

    And pixie.. hahahaahha Federer always classy and gracious?!?! Yea only when he wins. Lets take a look at what he has said about his last few losses:

    Being owned by Novak at AO: "I dont think he changed his game very much. I was surprised. I thought he would have improved his game a bit more since the last time we met" HAHA

    Raped by Andy Murray: "I was surprised. I don't think he's changed it since we first played in the Bangkok final [September 2005].

    "So it works for him but he will have to grind very hard over the next few days if he plays this way. It works because he beat me. But he stands way behind the court and he does a lot of running, and he waits for mistakes from an opponent. I made a lot of mistakes today but you also have to win points. It will often be difficult if you wait for guys to miss."

    Real classy there Federer. Your just mad cause you suck.

    PS: Hahaha federer out already? aww too bad.

  3. you should be ashamed of yourself asking this kind of questions. btw it's not kosovo ji srbija but it is KOSOVO JE SRBIJA.

  4. Well said Terminator.

  5. OMG!! I can't believe u guys are fighting over this. First of all, Pistol u are a ****** up b*****d!!! u are talking about Nole not having class, but you stupid *** attitude is more than his, plus U are not even a gentleman, and then u are talking about Nole. Let Kosovo, have her opinion. ****** up people, Why do u hate him so much????

  6. it's exactly the point. djokovic was sick before the tournament on and off. he was complaining about dizziness before his match with federer. the only reason he hasn't made it to # yet is because he just turned pro last year, and even in that short amount of time he's already made it to the top 3. he's close to beating out nadal and he will. then he'll beat federer like the "dead king" that he is and he'll be the one that everyone talks about and defends for stupid reasons just like you're doing for federer.

    Don't call me out on stupid s,hit like this, you're just upset that your band wagon is coming to an end quickly and you'll soon have to find another one. he'll win this tournament and grand slams this year.




  7. Well said Pistol. Yes Roger and Rafa are certainly two of the nicest and best tennis players of all time. Nole is rather rude in his attitude and approach. And Pixee, yes I remember a match where Rafa let Andre speak to the crowd despite Rafa winning but it was Aug. 08/05 in Montreal. Since Becker beat Agassi at the US Open it would have been Becker that let Andre take centre stage there. As for Novak holding the #1 for as many weeks as Roger ... that will never happen. Not only will Novak never do that, but he will never become #1 with his poor attitude, disrespect of his competitors, lack of work ethic and injuries be they real or imagined.

  8. Bravo Pistol.

    One other point....Neither Federer nor Nadal EVER dis their opponent after they lose.  They might say they had an injury, but the ALWAYS say their opponent played well and is  a tough competitor..etc. (This is called gracious and class)

    And does anyone remember when Nadal beat Agassi in New York???? And because it was Agassi's last US Open...gave him the stage, said it was his moment.  

    What he DIDN'T say was that he had control of the match the whole time and then Djokoquit!  (This is called braggart trash)

  9. pixee555, if my memory serves me right, it was Benjamin Becker that defeated Agassi in his last US Open.

    Yea, Federer was extremely gracious about Andy Murray after Murray defeated him at Dubai!!

  10. absolutely perfect! :) well said!

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