
Kratom effects on liver?

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I've had a lot of problems with my liver and kidneys in my past. I don't drink because of that. I've been drinking Kratom extract for the past couple days. About halfway through today my right side started aching and I'm worried its my liver, and that somehow the kratom has damaged it more. Then again, it could just be something else. It might not even be my liver. h**l, it could just be gas, haha. Unless I hear otherwise I'm not going to take any more, it would be nice to know if anyone has similar experiences or any information on if Kratom has very harmful effects on the liver. If so, is it worse than having a beer? I've heard it doesn't have any effect on the liver but that was from the site I bought it from, so who knows!!!




  1. Kratom will be banned in all of north america before 2012 and you will be able to buy it from the pharmacy after, thanks to a Japan pharmaceutical company. If you can buy it then stock pile the stuff and save it.

    It has been banned for sale this year in Canada & Germany.

    Google Bill c-51 if you really want to know what is going on behind your eyes, also read the new international security policy Obama just made.

    Peace to all of you and Love for your Family & Friends

  2. my liver died because of kratom, so so sad...lets not talk about this nemore

  3. Actually, in the United States Kratom is completely legal in all 50 states. Only about 6-10 countries have actually outlawed Kratom. (I'm not sure where you're from, so I threw that in there.) It is not completely related to the opiates, and therefore cannot be categorized with them.

    Kratom has less effects on the liver than alcohol does, as seem from my experiences. I do know that taking Kratom less than 5 hours before drinking can drastically increase the effects of the alcohol (to an almost dangerous level) but will not on its own damage your body.

    Also, speaking of Kratom and seeking information is not illegal, and can in NO WAY lead to criminalization or arrest. Until and unless Kratom is eventually banned, there is nothing illegal or wrong with the consumption, purchasing, or talking about Kratom.

  4. Guest2090 -
    Ignorance is also no joke.

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