
Krav Maga vs Japanese Judo/Jujitsu?

by Guest57515  |  earlier

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Hey Martial Artists!!

I was wondering which fight style would be more effective and which is better overall in the real world. Would it be Krav Maga? Or would it be Japanese Judo/Jujitsu mix. And when i say Jujitsu, I mean Traditional Japanese Jujitsu. So basically Japanese Judo and Japanese Jujitsu combined against Krav Maga. If these two fight styles squared off against each other, who do you think would be the winner?




  1. JUDO which is really KANO's JUJUTSU  the original name by which it was 1st known.

    KRAV MAGA doesn't take into consideration counters to  JUDO type technique as used by an expert .

  2. I think it depends on the person and the situation, Krav Maga (contact combat) was designed for soldiers and from personal experience I have found it to be effective, I was a full time IDF soldier, for many years.  Over the years we have trained many US Naval personnel in IDF School of Physical Combat.   The IDF has been evolving Krav Maga for 60 years, as it's basis was in boxing and savate and has evolved over time.  Combat SAMBO has been evolving since WWII.

    In Krav Maga and Combat SAMBO we deal with weapons and lethality from day 1, Jiu Jitsu or BJJ from what I have seen does not.  Again, we are talking about the difference between a combat art (Krav Maga or Combat SAMBO) versus what is essentially a sport art ( jiu jitsu, judo and BJJ).

    Yes the US forces are finally starting to emphasize some hand to hand training, my hand to hand course was 90 days, 16 hours a day, a bit more involved and hands on than many other courses,  but I needed this training to survive and that I did.  So for my specialty out of a total of 20 months training, 3 months were spent on hand to hand.  

    I am from a country were we have to fight for our survival on a daily basis, we would cease to be of use to our allies if we could not do these things.  My South African friends can relate as they learn lethality in hand to hand combat as well, many have to carry firearms just to make it to and from work as do we.

    Here in the US, I go to an MMA gym where there are two BJJ black belts of Gracie lineage, both are Brazilian, so they have a good understanding of what safety is and isn't (America is very safe in spite of what the press says).  I show them some Krav Maga, it makes them a bit squeamish sometimes.  Krav Maga is not for the UFC as much of what we learn would be illegal in UFC, but essential for battlefield survival.

    Krav Maga and Combat SAMBO are both combat arts, which means somebody ends up dead or incapacitated, so the comparison makes no sense.  Sport SAMBO is like Jiu-Jitsu, SAMBO was originally called "free style wrestling" in the USSR and later changed to mean "Self defense without weapons".  Both arts deal with weapons disarmament which means that we must also learn to attack with a variety of weapons to defend against them.

    I think you have to define victory, if it is one person incapacitated or dead and another is going on in the field, well a Kravist of Combat SAMBO person will be the winner...neither Krav Maga nor Combat SAMBO are sport arts, judo and jiu jitsu are sport arts with self defense applications.  

    Our experience with the urban combat environment has allowed us to share this experience with our allies. We actually train many of our allies in this environment.  Krav Maga is a part of this training.

    It is funny how many Law Enforcement Officials in the US come to Krav Maga for seminars, so we give classes, LEO (Law Enforcement Only).

    Think what you will, do what you feel, US Krav Maga organization is a bit different, but still  teach many things that are not taught in sport arts.

  3. Krav Maga isn't a real martial art.  It is simple and effective fighting developed for Isreali soldier to quickly get up to speed on hand-to-hand.

    You can't compare that to a martial art which has been perfected over dozens of successive lifetimes.  

    Jiujutsu all the way.

  4. krav maga is good if u are not willing to put in effort to train but what happens if you fight a Ju jitzu person you will get your *** whooped   take the time to train and do ju jitzu because 90% of the things you learn in Krav maga u will learn in ju jitzu plus alot more

  5. Couple things...

    Krav Maga is a fighting method -- it's a simplified method to allow for the quick absorption of its teachings through intensive training over short periods of time. It is extremely effective, but focuses more on the how rather than the why. You won't get principles for a loooong time training in it.

    There's really very little good reason to mix judo and jujUtsu (jitsu is an improper romanization, albeit a common one) -- judo was based on jujutsu. Jujutsu is fantastic, with a great focus on the principles of positioning and body dynamics.

    Styles do not matter in a fight, but the dedication one has to their training. I wouldn't put it past a KM fighter to take down a jujutsu fighter, or vice versa. It's something that can change in a split second, the fight could go either way. There's a lot of interesting training that happens in Krav Maga when you get further along that shouldn't be ignored.

  6. krap maga is exactly that,c**p.

  7. Krav maga is better for the average guy who cannot spend a lot of time training. Since like most military or self defence styles it does not present a complete answer to fighting.

    It focuses on teaching people a few good effective moves in a short peroid of time.

    For example krav maga will never teach you to block a heavyweight boxers punch, defend a takedown from a high level wrestler or much at all in the way of ground fighting.

    Since it assuming the average guy will not be facing a high level fighter in a battlefield or self defence situation.

    If you want to be able to beat everyone up to inlcuding other elite level fighters, and are prepared to devote yourself to the sport, you are better off learning something like jujitsu/judo.

    As to a fight between the two-

    If the average guy in krav maga or Judo/jujtisu fought it would go either way.

    If the best guy in each fought it would be the judo/jujitsu guy easily.

    Since he would be a world level fighter picked from tens of millions of competitors. His strength, relflexes and training 2-4 hours  day would make him way too tough to handle for a krav maga guy who who is only the best out of a few thousand.

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