
Krb is hiring truck driver in iraq?

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  1. Doesn't look like they're hiring right now ( 6-24-2014); i'll check their website in a few weeks. If they'll offer $250k and a $360k life insurance, i'll sign a 3 year contract and be there tomorow.

  2. The company is called KBR, and yes the last time I checked they were still hiring.  They required 3 years experience however, and you need your Hazmat endorsement.  As of two years ago when I was looking into it, 68 truck drivers had been kidnapped/killed by the insurgents.  It is regarded as the most dangerous civilian job over there.  Many think the money is wirth the risk, but can;t make it past 6 months.  it's h**l.... pure h**l.

    Good luck

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