
Kronwall pulls a Mccabe?

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Hey Detroit fans, do you blame Kronwall for the loss last night?




  1. no detroit had sop many opprotunities but fleury really stepped up his game alot

    but dont worry we'll take it in 6

  2. not at all

  3. You win as a team. You lose as a team. If you want to blame anyone, blame Fleury. He was pretty good last night. But no, I don't blame Kronwall.

  4. I prefer to think of what Kronwall pulled as a "Backstrom".

    Both named Niklas. Both Swedish. It works out well.

  5. Not a Wings fan but Detroit had so many chances you can't make Kronwall the scapegoat

  6. I don't blame him. It happens, and We all knew his intentions. Even though it was dissapointing, we made it up in the 3rd period.

  7. McCabe scored on his own net, his fault

    Kronwall, cleared it and it hit Adam's hall foot and went in, not his fault.

    I don't blame him

  8. No, it happens

    Detroit played well last night, but Fleury was godlike.

  9. Not at all.........we are a team, not one person.

  10. How can you compare Kronwall to a pylon?

  11. no. if u watch closely, when he shot it, it hit halls foot slightly and went in. it would have went wide otherwise

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