
Kudzu as bio-fuels?

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If kudzu is still such a problem, has anyone looked into making bio-fuels out of it?




  1. Kudzu is much more valuable as pasture for animals like cows, goats, sheep. It has a high protein content and only a moderate amount of  energy per hectare. If corn is not a good idea for ethanol, Kudzu is better only because it can be grown on scrub land.

    But as a replacement for high quality forage, again on scrub land, it is good stuff.

    On prime land that grows corn well, it sill not be competitive with corn.

  2. Maybe--I think I heard that *any* biomass can be used.

    Plus, I did hear online recently (I wasn't listening to every word because I was doing something else, but I think it was an interview with the guy who wrote "Energy Victory", interviewed somewhere down South--this guy is great btw you should look him up online he has a website [I think it's]) this very question--and the host(s) were excited to hear that kudzu was in fact viable (which is why I think the interview took place somewhere down South).

    Overall though I think the main issue(s) are still establishing a critical mass of flex fuel vehicles as well as filling stations, and the resistance to political forces focusing entirely or primarily on *corn* as the solution (i.e. mid-West farmers and their lobbyists).

  3. Kudzu could be use for some many things but isn't cuz it has been labled a weed,,, but it's a blessing... we need to use it and uncover the area that it has taken over.

  4. Not that I know of, but you can make Jelly from the flowers!
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