
Kuiper belt objects are actually comet nuclei. why do they not display comae and tails?

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Kuiper belt objects are actually comet nuclei. why do they not display comae and tails?




  1. When closer to the sun surface begin to vaporize. This "tail" gets blown away from the sun by solar winds. When farther away from the sun there is not enough enough sun light to heat the surface of the comet to the point of vaporization therefore it is just a ball of ice and rock floating through space.

  2. Because they aren't close enough to the sun for the ice they're made up of to start boiling off.


  3. Because where they lie, it is too far away from the Sun to warm the comets to form tails.   They are in a frozen state in the Kuiper belt.

  4. Comets only display comae and tails when they get close to the sun.

    Out in the Kuiper Belt there is not enough heat from the sun to evaporate the volatile ices on and under their surfaces.

    Its the gases from evaporation that form the coma, and the solar wind close to the sun has enough force to blow those gases (and the intermingled dust) away from the sun to create the tails.

  5. They are too far from the Sun. No comet displays a tail when it is that far from the Sun. They start growing a coma when they get closer than Saturn or so and a tail when the get closer than Jupiter or so.

  6. eComets are frozen objects when they are away from Sun

    Coma and tail  due to sublimation of icy material when they are heated due to Suns heat. So at Kuiper belt,it is cold and don't \have enough temperature to vapour\ise the cold gases,waterice,carbondioxide

  7. No comets, or cometary objects, in deep space have tails.

    It is only when they get close to a sun that the ice crystals

    begin to melt, leaving a stream of ice & vapor behind them

    causing the 'tail' effect.

  8. because they are not near the sun , when they are near the sun it's warmth heats them up and part of it melts ..when it's in the kuiper belt it's freezing so it's frozen

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