
Kung fu and TKD, which is more useful and aggressive in street fighting?

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Kung fu and TKD, which is more useful and aggressive in street fighting?




  1. Neither.

    Both arts have been changed so drastically from their original beginnings that they are mostly for show. the most effective for street fighting actually depends on the quality and the inginuity of the fighter as opposed to the art being used.

  2. oh, well, i would prefer Muay thai if you needed to go down that road, but if I had to pick, probably TKD, but there are still a few flaws in the defense posture for actual one on one combat. And few kicks to easy to pick off and be used against you if you are a lower half belt color. If you are wanting to brawl, save your money on classes and go out there with a open mind. Being a white belt in anything won't help you submit a crazed and doped psycho with a brick in his hand.

  3. absolutely kungfu

  4. Depend on what you personally feel comfortable using and can adapt to,but my choice would be Kung fu as it has many styles to choose from and would allow for the best variety of techniques.

    Just my humble opinion best wishes :)***

  5. It all depends upon you and your mindset...No art can be compared with one another...

    Both have the power and Motion to release energy and hit your opponent "if u know how to do it.."

    I never tend to go to street fights because i have a weapon i.e., Martial arts, i got an advantage than the other normal unarmed people..but if they tend to get too smart and act cocky they surely deserve a bit of bone breaks here and there...

    Think just don't go blindfolded swinging your arms you will hurt yourself...Be Present there and just do it...

    JUST REMEMBER ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...

    "Offense is the Best form of Defense "

  6. TKD is more for sparring because a smart fighter will not get their butt kicked with the wild kicks of TKD, so i would go for Kung Fu, but you should try Shidokan karate.

  7. Hi.

    When you use the work Kung Fu you aren't actually referring to one style or even a family of styles.  Kung Fu is a broad category encompassing hundreds upon hundreds of individual styles, the only thing they really have in common is their country of origin, that being China.  Some styles of Kung Fu may indeed be more useful and/or more aggressive than TKD, but for others it may be the opposite.

    Some styles of Kung Fu are among the most complete and refined in the world, some would say the best (but I personally don't think there is really such a thing as a best martial art).  This is unlike Tae Kwon Do where it is one general style with only a handful of variations.  There is a military version of TKD that would be extremely useful and aggressive on the street but not so much for the more commonly taught sport version which is pretty much all you can find.

    If you were to compare Kung Fu and TKD side by side there would always be a style of Kung Fu that would surpass TKD in some way.  The only possible exception might be kicking but even then some styles of Kung Fu have some fantastic kicking that would probably equal TKD's.

    So keeping in mind that this is a very general answer Kung Fu would be more useful and aggressive in street fighting.

    Even if you compare some of the individual styles of Kung Fu with TKD they would usually come out on top if only for the sheer volume of information to be learned.  For example, Hung Gar, Chow Lay Fut and Wing Chun just to name a few of the more well known styles.

    But this is all a little abstract as what it really comes down to is how the individual practitioner of a style uses it.  It's not the art that makes the martial artist as much as it is the martial artist that makes the art.  If your looking for one to take my preference would be Kung Fu, it's just more of a versatile type of martial art.

    Hope this answers your question :)

  8. there has  been an error

  9. what ever is good in the floor man because most fights end up on the floor. so Brazilian jit jut zu

    kung fu more hands and good defense

    tkd alot of flashy kicks but aggressive

  10. as a traditional/sport TKD Blackbelt, yes it is affective. you get to learn how to block the punch and put their arms behind theri back and break their shoulder if you are in Traidiotional TKD. And i also learnred some Kung fu/ JI jitsu moves as well. they all go well together. TKD is know for kicks b/c of the sports but it's not true. TKD has their own distictive self defense move. IT all depends on how skillful your instructors are. Luckily i had a good instructors~ Any Martial art is affective in self defense.

  11. both is a defense style. they suck

  12. Wow, this one is dependent on a lot of things.  In terms of styles, Kung Fu is very complicated to learn and as a result has a steep learning curve.  TKD is simpler to learn and yet presents some very high risk moves.  Some high kicks are very risky.

    I teach Krav Maga, which is all about battlefield survival, not traditonal arts, for some it is great, for others, not so great as part of success in Krav Maga is being able to channel survival instincts into explosive movements.  I am a Combat SAMBO student, again, a combat art, where the objective is survival in the modern battlefield.

    Between TKD and Kung Fu, I'd spend my money on Kung Fu, hopefully the sifu spends some time on realistic self defense, not on traditional swords, great for dueling light sabres, not so great for defending against a knife.

    If your objectives are street fighting survival, study a combat art (Krav Maga Combat SAMBO, Vale Tudo, Kali, etc.), if you want to learn a life skill with self defense product, I'd go with the Kung Fu, steeper learning curve, but in the end much more comprehensive than TKD.

    There are many kinds of Kung Fu, some more hand oriented, some more leg oriented, Hung Gar seems to be more of a close quarters art than some of the others, but again it depends on the Sifu and on you.

  13. neither of them help in street fighting but most definitely kung fu is more efficient.

    But the best sport for street fighting is probably Boxing or Kick boxing. Boxing more though more aggressive and prepares you for anything.

  14. neither, both can be very aggressive if used for self-defense. Comparing any martial art to another is like comparing apples to oranges, while some people may have preference neither one is truly better.

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