
Kuwait Airways?

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Here's my problem:

I recently flew from New York (JFK) to Madras (Chennai) by Kuwait Airlines via Kuwait in Business (according to my ticket). They stopped the plane in London at 10:30 local time, since it was only half full. I waited in the lounge for 3 hours and then we were told our flight was canceled due to the wind shield having a crack. I waited in line till 5:00 PM at the sales / ticketing booth where they were reassigning flights. They took 1 & a 1/2 hours to get me a flight via Air India to Bombay and then to Madras via Jet Airways.

In the end, my flight reached Madras 13 hours later then the expected time and missed work that day. I had to lug my bags from the International terminal to the Domestic one in Bombay.

Do I have the right to claim something from Kuwait Airways for the inconvenience?




  1. You can always ask via letter. What do you have to lose?



  2. Yea you bet. It was a complete balls up on their part, and you are entitled to compensation. Ride them for all they are worth. Just watch out that they don't send you a bomb that explodes when you open it!
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