
Kyle Busch fans, how do you feel about Jr nation?

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Kyle Busch fans, how do you feel about Jr nation?




  1. They love to hate us. That's just racin'. I know this question was for KB fans but I figured someone from Jr. nation should represent. Enjoy the race. Peace.

  2. i like both I'm a junior fan and a busch fan WHAT NOW

  3. I'm neither a Kyle Busch nor Dale Jr. fan. The thing that I find funny though, is Kyle fans constantly bash Jr. fans for being hardcore behind their driver. Yet I hear Kyle fans saying that no other fan base is as bad as Jr. fans. Kyle fans bash the whole Hendrick organization, they bash Jr. nation and any non-supporter of Kyle. And the worst thing yet, they compare Kyle to Dale Earnhardt, which is a complete insult. I just find it funny how Kyle fans act exactly like the ones they talk about.

  4. JR Nation needs to ditch the rose colored glasses and root for a driver that actually wins races.

  5. They are jealous of everyone who is better than Jr.  But they have a right to be Jr hasn't won in 2 years i would be bitter too.

  6. I think that because of a few knuckleheads in their "nation" the whole lot of them have been given a bad rap, most of the members of Jr. Nation are just like any other fan, they stick by their driver,win or lose, and defend him from the ney sayers..

  7. To a guy above, it isn't about the person, NASCAR is about the CAR.  NASCAR was never about the driver.  It is about Men that stand proud beside a car and car engine and love that piece of metal with all their hearts.  These people will not even kick the tires of their favored automobiles, because they know deep down inside there is no need to do so.  It has always been a FORD, CHEVY, DODGE, and now TOYOTA NATION.  Jr. is  a spoiled kid, just like many of the drivers around the sport today.  None of these people have did what the older guys of back when has done.  Driven with a BIG BLOCK burning at 500 degrees in front of them with nothing but cowboy boots and denim jeans.  Put everything they own into a car and drive it to the track, then their moms and dads change their own tires during the race...  Not a d**n soul out there is that good of a person or driver...  

    If you really want the truth if you are anything but a lover of the car, you aren't a fan...  Many of the fans out there are only fans because they would cream their jeans to have half the money, half the stardom, half the glory a so called DRIVER brings to himself...  Just look in Horse racing, that jockey is really nothing "BIG BROWN" is the man!  The Jockey yesterday didn't even CRACK THE WHIP!  HORSEPOWER BABY!

  8. Well......being that I am both a Kyle and a Junior fan.....I feel pretty good knowing that 2 drivers that I really like are in the top 3......I just wish Jr was and Kyle was in 3rd.....Been a Jr fan a helluva lot longer than Kyle.....

  9. i can't answer for all kyle busch fans (especially the "bandwagon fans"), but i can answer for myself.  i feel nothing special one way or the other about junior nation as a whole, other than respect for those fans who have been loyal to their driver throughout his drought - especially those who have managed to do so without making j@ck@$$e$ out of themselves any time any little thing goes wrong.

    i feel bad for the real junior fans that they, like those of us true rowdy world citizens, get lumped in with a bunch of twits who have no respect for other drivers and their fans, and who believe that if you are a fan of one driver, you MUST hate any (or all) of the other drivers or you are suspect as a fan.

    i like junior and i hope he wins soon.  the way he's been racing he deserves it, and he will win one soon. and his true fans who have stuck with him through thick and thin deserve it too.

    and ryman, as a true kyle fan, i find it hilarious that you sit in judgment of kyle fans for bashing jr and hms, brushing us all in one broad stroke.  do you even realize how hypocritical you are by doing the same thing you accuse kyle fans of doing - characterizing all fans of a driver as being the same? give it a rest...

  10. I'm not a rowdy fan but ill tell you what i think of Jr nation. they are all a bunch of Hippocrates who booed Gordon and Johnson for years and then jump on their bandwagon, or even worse still boo them and call them cheaters.( still trying to figure that one out, because Jr is in the same boat as them) According to Jr nation Jr can not do anything wrong, everything that happens to Jr is someone Else's fault. He cant win, its his "evil step mother fault" he cant finish a race becasue he over drove the engine,"its the equitements fault" he got spun out while racing" rowdy did it on purpose" On top of everything i just said Jr nation has no class. They threw beer cans at gordon when beat SR win total, they threw beers and thrash all over the track and the number 24.(hints to what i said above the hated him and now they cheer him) All jr nation does is whine and cry about how thier driver hasnt won in over two years and when all you do is speak the truth, they cry and pout like a little ten year old girl that didnt get her way. that being said i will say this, there is a small and i mean small group if Jr fans that hate JR nation, these are the real racing fans and the real Jr fans. i do not have a problem with them. This is just my thought on JR nation and there alot of people i know who are hardcore NASCAR fans that agree with me.

  11. I don't have a problem with most of them. Just ones that open their mouth to say something stupid, or the one that used a car window paint maker to write on the hood of my car that both Kyle Busch and I suck, and on the truck put that Jr. rocks forever.

    At least it was just window paint. I'll give him/her credit for not being a complete ***. :)

  12. I'll have to talk to my diplomatic representative about that subject.  There are unforeseen tensions is the air right now.

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