
L plates............?

by  |  earlier

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Are Gardai in Cork strict on the whole learner driver bein accompanied by a full license driver??? Or could i chance goin out on my own like i do here in Dublin?




  1. It really depends on the Guard!! Ive never been stopped in Waterford for that, but ive friends who have, and who have been done for it!  its just basically luck of the draw!  Its worth a chance!

  2. thats not coming into effect till june, at the mo theres no legislation to back it up. my advice would be apply for your full licence asap

  3. cork on wine

  4. guards arent strict at all on it, the only time iv ever heard them say anything is to boy racer type ppl who appear to be disrespectful so naturally the guards jus wan pick on anything they can. in general ur grand!
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